VJ Hosopyi.jp さんのマイページ


Vj https://t.co/EiBX2F0ASF is a producer and beetwen the #Trance / #edm VJ using audiovisuals and Video Clips support in all Japan #Tokyo 👍 Bookings→hosopyi.09


  1. 2021/12/25 22:00
    OPEN 22:00 YOGRAM(ヨグラム) nagomix渋谷 @nagomix0824 #yogram 

    DJ UTO 
  2. 2018/11/02 18:00
    11.2 (fri) Magnificent Trance at nagomix (渋谷) OPEN 18:00

    AEMI💄5.18 HardCosmos 
  3. 2018/10/05 19:00
    10. 5 (FRI) Magnificent Trance @ nagomix (渋谷)

    AEMI💄5.18 HardCosmos 
  4. 2018/09/07 18:30
    9. 7(fri) Magnificent Trance 2nd Anniversary @ nagomix (渋谷)

    AEMI💄5.18 HardCosmos 
  5. 2018/04/22 15:00
    4/22 Magnificent Trance Sunday Afternoon!! @ nagomix(shibuya)

    AEMI💄5.18 HardCosmos 