
Poppin'Partyポピパバンドリbang dream!愛美大塚紗英
CharaExpo USA 2019 Poppin'Party Flowerstand Project



439227289137337.pngOrganizer: Emi (@EmiYuu0)
Artist: xS1ikZx (@S1ikZ101)

Hi there! I will be organizing a general Poppin'Party Stand for CharaExpo USA 2019, which will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center on December 7-8th, 2019. Anyone is welcome to participate!

-Participants will have their desired name/alias & country flag listed on a contributor’s board attached to the flower stand.
-Minimum contribution: $10 USD, no upper limit
-Payment: through Paypal or in person at CharaExpo 2019

To participate:
Hit the blue 参加する button and comment the following information:
-Preferred name for contributor board
-Contribution amount
-Contact information (Twitter, Discord, or LINE)

Messages regarding payment will be sent out closer to the date of the event.
If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me through the follow platforms:

Twitter: @EmiYuu0
Discord: Emi#0549

Thanks for reading!

Anaheim Convention Center

興味あり (0人)
    不参加 (0人)

      最新の20件を表示中 [すべて表示する]
      1. @EmiYuu0 参加します! Dino/Canada/$10/Dino#6639
        Dino 💫🎲🍕「TheDinoflag 1956日前 
      2. 参加します!マギテク / Canada / $10 / Twitter
        Magitek (マギテク) 1955日前 
      3. @EmiYuu0 参加します!
        BlushInRain 1952日前 
      4. @EmiYuu0 参加します! kariohki/USA/$10 USD/twitter: kariohki, discord: kariohki#7243
        カリオキ 1951日前 
      5. @EmiYuu0 参加します!Cometeor | USA | 10 USD | cometeor#0819
        andrew 1950日前 
      6. @EmiYuu0 参加します!Pandarus | USA | $50 USD | Twitter (thomaswli)
        Thomas Li 1931日前 
      7. @EmiYuu0 Chuds | USA | $10 | Twitter: @ChudsSuph
        Chuds@LittleTokyoLA 1926日前 
      8. @EmiYuu0 参加します!Hinata Sato ACen Team | USA | $10 USD | twitter: @meltedgeneral
        Hatate, the cursed i 1921日前 
      9. @EmiYuu0 参加します! lane ☆ / America / $25 / Twitter @butchlegend
        lane ☆ 1920日前 
      10. -Javan-Singapore-15 USD-https://twitter.com/javanlth, javanlth (LINE)
        javanlth 1920日前 
      11. @EmiYuu0 参加します! zio/ usa / $25 / twitter: @LimitedBees
        zio...??? 1920日前 
      12. Name: coobie /USA /$20USD /@ultimatecoobie coobie#2497
        coobi@りみつー/THE RIMI  1920日前 
      13. @EmiYuu0 Zwephu / USA / $10 USD / Twitter:@Zwephu Discord:@Zwephu#1225
        Zwephu / ズウェフ 🛬🇯🇵 1919日前 
      14. @EmiYuu0 iviachupichu, USA, $10, @iviachupichu (Twitter)
        iviachupichu(マチュピチュ) 1905日前 
      15. @EmiYuu0 参加します!William Wen / Canada / 10USD / D: Syaro#6810 , T: syar0_c
        Syarocchi 1904日前 
      16. @EmiYuu0 参加します! bonkler | USA | $10 | twitter: @TheBonkler
        Bonkler 1904日前 
      17. @EmiYuu0 Lammy / Canada / $10 / Twitter @AndrewLammy07
        Lammy 1903日前 
      18. @EmiYuu0 プリンスセスアイリス/Canada/10USd/ twitter: airishteru
        愛りス🤗😘❣️ 1899日前 
      19. @EmiYuu0 参加します!lizardhospital / USA / $10 / twitter
        lizard 1897日前 
      20. @EmiYuu0 参加します!AzurinDunois/$10 USD/Discord or Twitter!
        Azurin@ポコと一緒にファイトができ 1897日前 