2019127[土] 10:00

愛美ポピパPoppin'Partyバンドリbang dream!どなたでも初参加歓迎
CharaExpo USA 2019 Aimi & Toyama Kasumi Flowerstand Project




Hello everyone, I will be organising a flowerstand for Aimi, voice of Toyama Kasumi at CharaExpo USA 2019, which will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center on December 7-8th, 2019. Anyone is welcome to participate.  

The photos below are some flowerstands that we have send for previous lives. The concept for the flowerstand this time round is yet to be decided. Should you have any ideas or suggestions regarding the design of the flowerstand/boards or illustration, please feel free to let me know!

Everyone who contributed will have their name and country listed on a contributors board. 

To participate:
Hit the blue 参加する button with the following information:
-Preferred name for contributor board
-Contribution amount
-Contact information (Twitter, Discord, LINE)

Messages regarding payment will be sent out closer to the date of the event.  

There will be a minimum contribution of 10 USD with no upper limit, payment can be done through Paypal or cash on the day of the event is fine too if you're coming.

The deadline to participate will be the 15th of November, 2019.

Should there be any questions or suggestions, please contact me on twitter @Rihaveinn. 

Thank you for reading through!


はじめまして、閲覧ありがとうございます。今年ロサンゼルスで開催されるCharaExpo USAにて愛美さん宛のフラスタの企画です。

参加費 :一口1000円(複数口大歓迎です)
支払い方法: 振込み/現地/他イベント/Paypal 
締切: 15/11/2019 23時59分





anaheim convention centre

興味あり (0人)
    不参加 (0人)

      最新の20件を表示中 [すべて表示する]
      1. @Rihaveinn 参加します! railant / usa / $10 / twitter or discord
        rai-chu @ anyc 2006日前 
      2. William C. / USA / $10 / Twitter or Discord
        🐰Will🕊 2005日前 
      3. @Rihaveinn 参加します!
        さつにゃん🇵🇭となりのフィリピン人@佐藤 2003日前 
      4. @Rihaveinn 参加します!wally / Canada / $20 / Discord: zantetsuken2718#9673
        zantetsuken | went a 2002日前 
      5. @Rihaveinn 参加します! Pillz | USA | $10 | Twitter/Discord
        Pillz 🔥 1998日前 
      6. @Rihaveinn 参加します!Chykla / USA / 20USD / Twitter-Discord-LINE
        クズ @ yuu is a top 1995日前 
      7. @Rihaveinn 参加します!
        Cyanide@愛美世代 1993日前 
      8. @Rihaveinn 参加します!
        Cyanide@愛美世代 1993日前 
      9. @Rihaveinn 参加します! Ryo/USA/1000円/Discord
        Ryo 1992日前 
      10. @Rihaveinn 参加します! kariohki/USA/$10 USD/twitter: kariohki, discord kariohki#7243
        カリオキ 1992日前 
      11. @Rihaveinn 参加します!Cometeor | USA | 10 USD | cometeor#0819
        andrew 1991日前 
      12. @Rihaveinn 参加します!
        傘のタケ 1981日前 
      13. @Rihaveinn "Jay@Kono mama, zutto" | Philippines | US$10 | Tw @jayagonoy /Discord @jayagonoy.xyz#4035
        Jay Agonoy / keepsak 1980日前 
      14. @Rihaveinn 参加します! lane ☆ / America / $25 / Twitter: @butchlegend or LINE
        lane ☆ 1962日前 
      15. Stop / USA/ $10, @stop_stop5 or stop#9352
        Stop 1955日前 
      16. @Rihaveinn 参加します!Nay Aung Latt / Myanmar / 10USD
        ネイアウンラット 1946日前 
      17. @Rihaveinn Lammy / Canada / $10 / Twitter @AndrewLammy07
        Lammy 1944日前 
      18. Reika / Germany / $10 / Discord -> MarshmallowJustice#3990
        Marshmallow Justice 1943日前 
      19. -Name: taylor-U.S.-$10-twitter: @nijiiroletters
        taylor+ポラリス 1938日前 
      20. @Rihaveinn 参加します! Xatro / USA / $10 / Twitter or Discord or Line
        Xatro(ザトロ) 1937日前 