
ホロファン向け言語交流サーバ「Holo Language Exchange」EXPO直前オフ会

ryookera a.k.a valsh


【2025年もやります / I'm gonna hold this meetup again!

【満員御礼 / FULL HOUSE
Registration has been closed as we had far more people than I had expected (incl. some who have not registered on twipla)
I'd like to hold this event again next year, so if you couldn't join unfortunately, see you next year!

(English follows)

私達はホロライブを通して言語交流・言語学習を楽しむDiscordサーバ「Holo Language Exchange (HLE) 」です!普段はサーバ内でテキスト・ボイスチャットで学習中の言語を使って交流したり、お互いに教え合ったりしています。また、海外メンバーが来日するときは、集まれるメンバーで集まってオフ会をすることもあります。



・日時:2024年3月15日 夕方〜夜


ホロライブファン向け言語交流サーバ「Holo Language Exchange (HLE) 」
オフ会運営: ryookera (also known as valshia)https://twitter.com/ryookera

(English TL is under proofreading, please excuse any grammatical errors etc)

We are Holo Language Exchange (HLE), a discord server for language exchange and learning through hololive! We usually communicate through text/voice chat using languages we are learning and teach each other in the server. Also, when overseas members visit Japan, we sometimes have a meet-up with other members who can get together.

On the occasion of the EXPO and fes, many overseas members will be visiting Japan, so we are organising a meet-up on March 15th, the day before the first day of EXPO/fes, from the evening to the night. As this is a great opportunity, we have decided to gather members from not only our server, but also other hololive fans widely who are interested in language exchange!

If you are interested, please read below, log into twipla with your X account and press 参加する button below!

【Detailed info】
・When: March 15th 2024 evening-night
We finish early (about 9pm) as we know many people will be up early the next day
・Where: Near Shimbashi station (not decided yet)
・Up to: 30 people (incl. server members)
・Who can join: hololive fans who want to interact with JP members
・How much: TBA (we have not booked a restaurant yet but probably around 4,000JPY)

Incidentally, some of the members who are currently planning to join are Japanese who speak English, and some from overseas (or reside in Japan) who speak Japanese. Feel free to join us even if you are not confident in your Japanese!

【Organising by】
Holo Language Exchange (HLE), the language exchange server for hololive fans
Meetup host: ryookera (also known as valshia): https://twitter.com/ryookera
If you have any questions, please contact ryookera (valshia)!

【満員御礼 / FULL HOUSE
Registration has been closed as we had far more people than I had expected (incl. some who have not registered on twipla)
I'd like to hold this event again next year, so if you couldn't join unfortunately, see you next year!



不参加 (2人)

最新の20件を表示中 [すべて表示する]
  1. @ryookera 参加します!@ryookera i'll participate! please come, overseas bros.
    がーと / gaato 416日前 
  2. 参加します!I'll be there! Anyone who likes hololive can join us!
    Kody🍬 416日前 
  3. @ryookera 参加します!
    Neiku內褲 414日前 
  4. I'm excited to meet you! はじめまして、よろしくお願いします。@ryookera 参加します!
    Nocte 🎪🌲🐾 413日前 
  5. @ryookera 興味あり!
    Fortekko 💫 412日前 
  6. @ryookera 参加します!
    Ken | けん 💀 412日前 
  7. @ryookera 参加します!
    Saltminer 411日前 
  8. @ryookera 参加します!
    FongSifu 410日前 
  9. @ryookera 参加します!
    daunbou 408日前 
  10. @ryookera 興味あり!
    Kenneth18 403日前 
  11. @ryookera 参加します!I am looking forward to meet some JP and other Oversea fans!
    Seph 402日前 
  12. @ryookera 参加します!
    Jeff 402日前 
  13. @ryookera 参加します!ホロライブ好きな人と繋がりたい !Ill be attending!! I hope I can make friends with ya'll!
    Lawrence @HONEYWORKS 390日前 
  14. @ryookera 参加します!
    Ivan Maulen 386日前 
  15. @ryookera 参加します!
    Max 386日前 
  16. @ryookera 参加します!
    tt123 386日前 
  17. @ryookera 参加します!
    apple 383日前 
  18. @ryookera 参加します!
    Fortekko 💫 382日前 
  19. @ryookera 参加します!Im sorry for putting of the response for so long!
    AhmNutz(アムナツ) 378日前 
  20. @ryookera 参加します!
    おかか 5thfes参戦予定 378日前 