
3rd Starlive English translation -Sato Hinata,Hoshimi Junna-





\9-Joint Flowerstand Project/

Sato Hinata-sama&Hoshimi Junna-sama


Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight
3rd Starlive
“Starry Diamond”
Congratulations on the live!

It was announced that on November 3rd (Sunday), 2019 in Yokohama Arena. A 9-joint flowerstand will be given to a total of 18 people. It will be one flowerstand per character/seiyuu for a total of 9 flowerstands, addressed to 18 people. We thought about this project, and we wanted to make it special because Yokohama Arena is an important place for Revue Starlight.

There will be different organizers involved in planning and management, and each creation will have their own thoughts and plans. All the flowerstands will present a design of "Connection" between each other. 

There will be 9 twipla pages for collecting participants and contributions. Your name will be included in the twipla page that you participated in. (Logging into twitter and choosing 参加 on the page). It is possible to participate into multiple flowerstands, of course, contributing more than the minimum amount to multiple flowerstands is also guaranteed.

However, regardless of to whom do you participate and to how many do you participate in,
we want you to know that your feelings of support will be given and addressed to all 18, as
it is a joint flowerstand.

☆Twipla Links for Each Project☆

☆Koyama momoyo-san&Aijo karen-chan

☆Mimori Suzuko-san&Kagura Hikari-chan

☆Tomita Maho-san&Tendo Maya-chan

☆Sato Hinata-san&Hoshimi Junna-chan

☆Iwata Haruki-san&Tsuyuzaki Mahiru-chan

☆Koizumi Moeka-san&Daiba Nana-chan

☆Aiba Aina-san&Saijo Claudine-chan

☆Ikuta Teru-san&Isurugi Futaba-chan

☆Ito Ayasa-san&Hanayagi Kaoruko-chan

This page you are currently in is for Sato Hinata-san  Hoshimi Junna. Pushing the participate (参加) button for this would allow us to list your name as a supporting participant sending their love for Sato Hinata-san  Hoshimi Junna.

There may be a few obstacles in the future of this project, but the organizers will do their

best to make everything as smooth and beautiful as possible. Thank you very much for your support and understanding.

☆Flowerstand's Image☆

All 9-Joint Flowerstands will be placed side by side. In addition to the illustration and sponsorship board, we want you to look forward to the flowers and designs as well! 

※Please be aware that it is not 100% possible to arrange as desired due to the conditions of the venue.



☆How to Participate☆
Please press the 参加 button at the bottom of Japanese TwiPla page.
Make sure to follow the organizer,Axler(@axler3500).
Complete your payment.

Minimum of 1000yen (Applies for all projects)
-There is no maximum amount of contribution. Feel free!

※It is also possible to participate in multiple projects. Please send your contribution to at least one organizer if participating in multiple projects. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

☆Payment Methods☆

If neither of the methods above are possible for you, please feel free to let us know so we can try to find a different way as much as possible.

※Please note that we will not accept on the day payment in order to prevent unpaid participants on the name board.

Participation - October 24th 23:59JST
Payment - October 31st, 23:59JST

 (The deadline is subject to be postponed or changed.)

☆Your Name on the Sponsorship Board☆
We will be asking the name you would like via DM, so please let us know. If you do not tell us, we will use your Twitter name. If you would like to stay anonymous and do not want your name on the board, please let us know.

※If you participate in multiple projects, your name will appear on multiple panels. However, if you only want your name to appear on one, but would like to support other stands without your name on their name board, please let us know and we will do accordingly.

※Each participant will be required to pay for each project. Paying for one project will mean participating only for that project. (i.e. Participating in two means paying 1000yen per project for a total of 2000yen. etc).

The official regulations for flowerstands are yet to be released. We are planning the stands ahead of time until they are posted. There is a possibility that the project will be changed and/or cancelled depending on the live's regulations. On the case that it will be cancelled we will be contacting you immediately.

Regarding initial message, please note that we will be contacting you via twitter DM. Please
wait for the assigned organizer to message you.

English translation-satsunyan(@_satsunyan)


参加者 (1人)
興味あり (0人)
    不参加 (0人)
