こちらの企画は8/18にパシフィコ横浜にて開催のTHE IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS SUMMER PARTY 2019に
Hi. everyone of the producers.
is a project to give celebration flowers to Ms. Tenka Osaki and Ms. Ryoko Maekawa, who will appear at THE IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS SUMMER PARTY 2019 held at the PACIFICO YOKOHAMA.
A person in charge of Tenka. A person who is supporting two people. Why do not you give a celebration feeling to everyone?
Live viewing participants. Even those who can not go to the venue are welcome to participate!The important thing is the celebration.
※English text mainly uses Google translation. I'm sorry if I made a mistake.
【更新履歴】Change log
3/18 企画開始 Planning started8/1 参加費確定・参加締切確定 Participation cost determination.
Determination of participation deadline
8/13 イラスト公開 Illustrations released
8/21 実物写真公開・企画終了 Release of finished goods. End of planning皆様のご協力により無事にお花を贈る事ができました!こちらが当日お贈りしたお花の写真になります。
Thanks to everyone's cooperation I was able to send flowers safely! This is the picture of the flower of the day.

It is a commentary on the design of the flower stand.
This time it was a summer party, so we made a simple and refreshing flower stand. Since it was a radio event, I chose a hoodie with a plain outfit. The participant panel was created with the image of a post form from Shaniraj.
I think that it became a flower that can convey the thought of participants.Thank you for your participation and cooperation! If there is a next opportunity, thank you again.
【お花について】About flowersお花はフラワーショップナカガワ様にお願いさせていただきました。デザイン等は直接打ち合わせをして決めさせていただく予定です。
I ordered flowers for flower shop Nakagawa. I plan to make a design meeting.
regulation has not been announced at this time, I do not know whether I
can present a flower stand. If a flower stand is not given, I will
change it to a backstage flower.
【イラストパネルについて】About illustration

I asked MinowaSukyaru for an illustration.
The completed illustration for illustration panel is here. Thank you for drawing a cute illustration!
The completed illustration for illustration panel is here. Thank you for drawing a cute illustration!
【参加費】Entry fee
Participation fee unit price will be from 1000 yen to 2000 yen. The exact amount will be decided in Around June.Single unit of The participation fee is 2000 yen. We welcome multiple participation.
Participation fee payment from overseas is available via PayPal. Please consult individually.
I will report the accounting when the project is over.
【参加方法】How to participate

Please press to join. Please check on posting on Twitter then.
Since there are things to contact etc. with a direct message, sorry to trouble you but please follow my planning account(@hoshikuzu6_plan).
This is my account(@hoshikuzu6), but for the convenience of management, all contact will be sent from the project account.
【参加締切】Participation deadline 7月上旬を予定しております。詳しい日時に関しては後日更新させていただきます。
The deadline is scheduled for the Early July. We will update the detailed date and time at a later date.
Participation deadline is 23:59 August/5.
【ミリ5th】BRAND NEW PERFORM@NCE!!!に出演される望月杏奈ちゃん、夏川椎菜さんへお花を贈りませんか?【応援するよ!】
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【千葉公演】1st Live Tour 2019 プロットポイントへ出演される夏川椎菜さんにお花を贈りませんか? 2019,9,29(現在企画実施中)
【中野公演1日目】1st Live Tour 2019 プロットポイントへ出演される夏川椎菜さんにお花を贈りませんか?2019,10,6(現在企画実施中)
【中野公演2日目】1st Live Tour 2019 プロットポイントへ出演される夏川椎菜さんにお花を贈りませんか?2019,10,19(現在企画実施中)
【愛知公演】1st Live Tour 2019 プロットポイントへ出演される夏川椎菜さんにお花を贈りませんか?2019,11,23(現在企画実施中)
【大阪公演】1st Live Tour 2019 プロットポイントへ出演される夏川椎菜さんにお花を贈りませんか?