LONDON TIMESFriday 27th June, 2014From 20:00 until 23:00Free EntryFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/londontimes.ukTwitter: https://twitter.com/LondonTimesinfoThe Old Dispensary 325 Camberwell New RoadLondon SE5 0TF020 7701 7660 https://www.facebook.com/olddispensaryTransportBuses - 12, 35, 36, 40, 42, 45, 68, 148, 171, 176, 185, 345, 436, 468, 484Trains- Denmark Hill / Tube- OvalDJ: KUNIO (from Tokyo)DJ: KUNIO (from Tokyo)Since 1997, KUNIO has been performing in and around Tokyo.His ‘pop’ selection to Rock, Soul and R&B,ranging from 60s oldies to contemporaries,will guarantee you a night filled with excitements!Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/miwakunokunioTwitter: http://twitter.com/miwakunokunio☆STAFF WANTED☆Do you love Uk rock? Love music? Join us and make the party together! If you are interested in, please contact us below;ukrockyou@yahoo.co.jpWhat is ‘LONDON TIMES’?LONDON TIMES began in 2003, Shimokitazawa, Tokyo. From June 2014, the event – special DJ night highlighting all the best UK Rock - will take place in London, bridging London and Tokyo through the party!The event is named after one of the most famous newspaper in the world, with the hope of delivering the ‘now’ of UK music, like the namesake. LONDON TIMES catalogues the best hits of UK with 21st century attitude! Come and experience DJ KUNIO’s ‘virtual gig’ of the big hits, from 60s to contemporary, as well as his handpicked musical gems.DJ: KUNIO (from Tokyo)https://www.facebook.com/miwakunokunio1997年から東京を中心にDJ活動をスタート。60s~現在に繋がるRock, Soul, R&BをPOPなセレクトで、エンターテイメント感溢れる空間を実現します。お楽しみに!Face book: http://www.facebook.com/miwakunokunioTwitter: http://twitter.com/miwakunokunioスタッフ募集/☆STAFF WANTED☆Do you love Uk rock? Love music?Join us and make the party together!if you are interested in, please contact us below;ukrockyou@yahoo.co.jpイベント説明/ “LONDON TIMES”とは…。2003年に東京・下北沢にてスタート。すべてのUK Rockにスポットをあて、東京とロンドンを繋ぐスペシャルDJパーティーとして、2014年6月から、ロンドン開催をスタート致します!世界で初めて100万部を突破したNews Paperに敬意を表し、 今聴きたい新旧の英国音楽を届ける意味を込めイベントタイトルに致しました。 会場はまさに21世紀のBest Hit UK!60s~現在までのヒットナンバーとDJのセレクトによる、“London Times”でしか味わえない、 『ヴァーチャルLive空間』をご一緒致しましょう!
場所 325 Camberwell New Road, SE5 0TF Camberwell, Southwark, United Kingdom 道順を調べる