2014年7月3日[木] Anime Expo 2014 iM@S-only Karaoke Session Survey詳細 Hi Ps, im@s fans, and idol lovers of all around. A couple friends of mine and I are planning to do an im@s-only karaoke session while we're in LA. We would like it to be at the Round1 arcade where they will hopefully have an updated DAM system with the latest im@s songs. Since people are coming from all over the country we may have to make some compromises to fit a schedule that works for everyone. What I need to know for now is who is interested in going and what days you would be available. As Round1 is quite a bit far from AX convention center, going on either day 4 or after the con is over (day 5) seems to be most likely. We will also be needing transport. I honestly don't know what the English version of twipla is so I'm gonna have to make do with this for now. For non-Japanese speakers, click the blue button (参加する) if you're sure you want to participate, the yellow button (興味あり) if you're interested but undecided, and red if you cannot go. 場所 Los Angeles, CA 道順を調べる 参加者 (3人) 不参加 (0人)