日時未定 6th Holofes Brats photo gathering詳細 WAZZUP! Do you remember the Brats gathering we did? Yes, we will do again! If you go 6th Holofes and want to meet Brats, this gathering is perfect for you. Please click the below button If you interested of this This is just for kinda market research or survey so feel free to join Blue : I will participate this Green : I'm interested in this but not sure Red : I won't participate this Date : during the 6th Holofes (we will announce details after we arrange) Place : front of International Conference Hall https://maps.app.goo.gl/GrhR263mtAeVJFVR7 場所 幕張国際会議場 道順を調べる 参加者 (18人) 興味あり (8人) 不参加 (0人)