2024年9月28日[土] Hololic Vol.5 ~2nd Anniversary〜詳細 ![]() What is Hololic Hololic is a gathering founded with the concept of 【creating a space for diverse HoloLive fans to connect, enriching their lives through new encounters and experiences.】 It aims to expand the circle of people, both veterans and newcomers, who may never have met without the HoloLive content. This time, Hololic Vol.5 will be held as a DJ event: DJ×Cosplay×Dance A large-scale hybrid event! And... On September 23rd, the HoloLive fan gathering "Holorick" will celebrate its 2nd anniversary! Our motto: We promise to create the ultimate atmosphere. Date&Time 2024.09.28(sat)12:00 PM - 8:30 ※ Venue YOKOHAMA COAST garage+ B1F, Asobuild, 2-14-9 Takashima, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa participation Fee General: ¥4,000(includes 1 Drink) Students: ¥3,000(includes 1 Drink) ※Students means for high school students and younger 👗Cosplay Participation👗 Cosplay related to Hololive is highly encouraged at "Holorick Vol.5 2nd Anniversary." ⚠️【How to Participate in Cosplay】⚠️ 1: To join Holorick in cosplay, you must RSVP on Twipla. 2: Please apply to use the changing room via the link below. 🔗Hololic 2nd Anniversary Changing Room Application Form🔗 3: On the day of the event, please provide your name at the reception to use the designated changing room. 📷Photo Op Session📷 "coming soon" Timetable "coming soon" -Co-hosted by- -GUEST PERFORMER- -GUEST DJ- -GUEST VJ- -GUEST COSPLAYERS- "and more........" -COSPLAY STAFF- 🌙Hololic Operations Team🌙 -Event Organizer- -REGULAR DJ- -MC- -CAMERA STAFF- "coming soon" ⚠️Important Notes⚠️ Sponsored by "coming soon" 【Inquiries】 Hololic Organizer:おたび Feel free to DM us with any questions. 場所 神奈川県横浜市西区高島2丁目14−9アソビルB1F 道順を調べる 参加者 (0人) 興味あり (1人) 不参加 (0人)