2013915[日] 終日






Fan Expo Canadaに参加してみて、日本人と日本国外の人の交流があまりに薄いのがたまらなく悔しかったのと、日本から来た製作者や声優さんも海外の事情にそれほど詳しくなく、いろいろと小さな誤解や情報不足が目立っていました。




Starting up of a Youtube channel for fan interaction between Japan and the rest of the world

So this is the deal. I'm willing to start up a weekly program by Japanese anime/game fans, spoken in English talking about recent anime and games. It sounds similar to other programs out there, but as far as I know, I haven't seen much Japanese fans do programs in English.

I had a chance to attend a Q&A session for Yuu Asakawa (voice actor) at the Fan Expo Canada 2013 and found out that the fan culture between Japan and north America was quite different. One of the biggest amongst these were the interaction between fans and the voice actors through DVD/Blu-ray or CD sales events. Through out the Q&A session, I've encountered a lot of questions concerning how anime and game business work in Japan, which obviously is tied to the customers (i.e. fans). I personally go to a lot of events and live concerts (mainly Asami Imai) and learned a lot unique awareness and cultures that are quite distinct from the ones that you sense overseas.

This program that I wish to produce will be a video recording of several people talking about recent anime programs or new released games, event reports and talk over some specific technical terms commonly used within the community. 

Looking for participants:
The participants must be currently staying in Japan (due to time arrangements) but can be of any nationality. The participants must be active Anime-watcher, gamer, event attender who can willingly talk over these issues with enthusiasm. There are no requirements on their English skills but must make their best towards speaking in English, but they can use Japanese if they really need to (I'll translate).

Looking for editors:
The editors are allowed to cut and paste interesting moments through the conversation and fit it into a certain file size. They can add subtitles, sound effects and eye-catches if they please but meeting deadlines will be the requirement.

Looking for content finders:
If this program is successful, then the feedback from the comments will be one of the main sources for contents, however, new releases, new episodes, new events will be announced continuously and will be difficult to pick all of them up. Content finders will catch some hot topics within their preferred realms and suggest the participants for featuring these topics in the program.

Opt in if you are concerned:
Click 参加します if you already have some thing you want to do in mind, preferably one of the positions listed above, but you can also click 興味あり if you aren't too sure which you want to do. 


2013.8.29 hatenaにこの企画の追補記事を掲載、リンク設置
2013.8.27 posted, ビデオチャットを通じての初顔合わせを2013.9.15に設定


参加者 (1人)
不参加 (0人)

    1. @dj_potemkin 興味あり! 出演できるほどの英語力がない!!笑 ただやってみてはみたい!!
      M.O 4223日前 
    2. @dj_potemkin 英語は簡単な文を読むくらいしかできませんが動画編集ならできます!
      ジンクホワイト🦈 4222日前 
    3. @dj_potemkin ネタ提供とかできそう
      Ukai Naoto 4219日前 