2024511[土] 14:00

AnyoneFirst-time participants are welcomeParticipation OKラブライブ徳井 青空
Let's sign a banner for Soramaru at Anime Central 2024!

Hatate, the cursed i


Hello There! As part of the US Midwest/Illinois LoveLivers & Friends discord's plan to bring flowerstands to Anime Central (ACen) 2024, we are also making a banner for Soramaru to present to her at her panel. There is no fee to participate and you do not have to physically attend!

To Participate, please click on Join (Participate) simply comment with the following:
- Preferred Contact Information (Discord, LINE, Twitter, Instagram)

Once the link is up, you will be messaged with a link to sign. Please be considerate as those physically attending ACen will be signing in-person.

US Midwest anime convention 2024 projects


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