
Korone's 5th Anniversary Fan Book Celebration Project🥐

戌神ころねちゃん🥐 🌿💛応援企画アカウン



Korone's 5th Anniversary Celebration Project !!

Let's make a book filled with messages of commemoration and our heartfelt emotions!

※Before continuing, please pay extra care to any warnings!!

 Any violations may lead to deletion of your submission without notice.

🥐Intro and Project Overview 

 For any first timers, welcome! Those who are well acquainted, thanks for your
 ongoing support! This is the "Inugami Korone Cheering Project" team.

 On 13th April (Sat),  Korone will be celebrating her 5th Anniversary!

 In celebration, we'd like to collect everyone's commemorative messages to Korone, 
 to be compiled it into a (physical) book and sent as a gift♬

 There will surely be many bumps along the way, but let's do our best!



 This project is managed by members of the "Inugami Korone Cheering Project" team.

 For any queries/thoughts on the project, do contact us!


 Project Account : Inugami Korone Cheering Project(@Korosan_kikaku

 Project Lead  のなめ@NonameNanashi13

 English Lead  : Kontaru(@Kontaruu

 Members    : けろn(@ker0n


🥐Production of the Fan Book

 We will be using “Sugoyose” (スゴヨセ).

🥐Project Info
 The Fan Book project pipeline is split into 2 major parts! 
 PART 1: Call for messages: Started!

  The main part of the Fan Book will consist of commemorative messages for Korone.
  It would be great if we could gather messages that are filled with feelings of
  appreciation or celebrations from the heart ♬

  ・Theme:    Celebrating Korone’s 5th Anniversary!
  ・Deadline:    11th Apr ‘24 (Sat) 23:59 JST

  ・Submit via:  Sugoyose (Link here)

 PART 2: Call for photos and screenshots of memories with  Korone!


  Sugoyose supports pages for art and photos, we wish to fill it photos and 

        screenshots of memories left of Korone in her fourth year (2023.04~2024.03).

        So, It would be great if we could gather photos and screenshots that are filled your 

        memories with Korone.

        ※ Photos and screenshots we received will be featured in the Fan book.

   So, we would like you to refrain from submitting photos that contain personal 

             information or faces.

  ・Theme:    photo and screenshots that are filled your memories with Korone
                                                                                         in her fourth year (2023.04~2024.03).
  ・Deadline:    11th Apr ‘24 (Sat) 23:59 JST
  ・Submit via:    Please send the images to one of the following contact points.
          X's DM of this Project(@Korosan_kikaku
                                       mail (korosancheeringproject0563@gmail.com)

🥐WARNING ※ Please read before participating!!

 1. This is a fan project - unaffiliated with Inugami Korone/Cover.

 2. We are NOT responsible for any disputes between parties.

 3. Please do not include any personal info (in message/illustration or otherwise).

    4. Information and photos we received are used for creating the Fan book ONLY!

 5. Submissions (message/illustration or otherwise) may under no
 circumstances include bigoted/sexist/otherwise hurtful expressions.

 6. This is a surprise

 When talking about the project on platforms such as X(Twitter), do not use common
 search terms used by Korone such as ”ころさん”, “ころねちゃん”, etc; or hashtags.

興味あり (0人)
    不参加 (0人)

      1. 参加します!
        のなめ🥐🌿💛 357日前 
      2. @Korosan_kikaku 参加します!
        qfeuille3⚓️🥐🎀🐾 357日前 
      3. @Korosan_kikaku 参加します!
        USS猫又みっころにぇ~🥐🥐 356日前 