2024223[金] 19:00

THE IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE! 10thLIVE TOUR Act-4 MILLION THE@TER!! Day 0 gaijin meetup at chibachan!



We will be hosting a meetup on the day before the live! This is a chance to get to know more producers!

Feel free to bring your UOs, happis, producer cards to exchange with others etc.

We will be getting a food dishes and all you can drink alcohol/soft drink (2hr) course for 3000 yen (after goods and services tax)

MONEY WILL BE COLLECTED AT THE DOOR and the course will start at 19:00 SHARP

Capacity is set at 39, form will be closed once the 1st list (参加者)is filled 

Closing date for registration of participation is 26/1/2024

We will be going to ITALIAN chibachan


Serving of green peas (edamame)

Platter of ham

◆Boat of fried chicken (karaage)


◆Serving of fries/chips

◆Neapolitan pasta (it's just tomato sauce)

Margherita pizza

Grilled sausage

Chibachan Ikebukuro

興味あり (0人)
    不参加 (0人)

      1. @jonnywony 参加します!
        Sugoism@HOTCHPOTCH 2 447日前 
      2. @jonnywony 参加します!
        Bien 🇻🇳 447日前 
      3. @jonnywony kinda cringe bro
        dguo94 (ダニエルP) @ nij 447日前 
      4. kinda cringe bro (2)
        Sugoism@HOTCHPOTCH 2 447日前 
      5. @jonnywony yes
        omo@DOtheIDOL2025 447日前 
      6. @jonnywony DarkFuzz is joining
        Shiny Lint 447日前 
      7. Kinda cringe bro(3)
        Kanade@✈️🔜🇯🇵3月 447日前 
      8. @jonnywony 参加します!
        T-REX 447日前 
      9. @jonnywony 参加します!
        Johann Faust 446日前 
      10. @jonnywony (o・∇・o)
        KamizakiP 443日前 
      11. @jonnywony (o・∇・o)
        CharP 🌟 Aventurine a 443日前 
      12. @jonnywony 参加します!
        くろP 443日前 
      13. @jonnywony 興味あり!
        Jenniはる@虹ヶ咲 7th🌈 442日前 
      14. @jonnywony 参加します!
        houkoholic(もも組) 437日前 
      15. 興味あり!
        Formula91 436日前 
      16. 参加します!
        Formula91 434日前 
      17. @jonnywony 参加します!
        すんり@ミリ10thAct4両日!!!! 426日前 
      18. @jonnywony 参加します!
        けいおふ@ミリ10th Act-4両日 421日前 
      19. @jonnywony 参加します!
        サイバーウェーブ 406日前 