2023717[月] 13:30

Natsume's 2023 Birthday Event - Flowerstand & Gift Project



Event Details
Date: July 17, 2023
Venue: Shibuya Eggman

Signup Deadline:
TBD (around ~2 weeks, around June 5th)

Project Overview
This project is intended to be a collaboration with fans from all over the world -- we want to include both Japanese domestic fans *and* international fans, all together, to give a really great present to Natsume herself!

The project will come in 3 parts:
1. A custom flowerstand with name board and illustration, with small gifts attached(plushies, etc)
2. Secret birthday present
3. Birthday letter book (free, no participation charge needed!)

The expected price per person is around 2000-2500 yen, if you wish to participate in everything. However, if you would only like to participate in just one part, please DM me! I will also happily share project details (I'm omitting them because this is a public post and we don't want the secret to get out :D)

Past Flowerstands


Payment Details:
Option 1: Digital transfer (Paypal, Venmo, Wise, etc)
Option 2: Deferred/IRL handover

We understand that not everyone will have the opportunity to attend the event directly, so I (@oh_that_will on Twitter) will be handling any messages, fanletters, etc that people may want to deliver to her. I will also provide help to anyone who wants to send fanmail/birthday presents to Natsume directly!

興味あり (0人)
    不参加 (0人)

      1. @oh_that_will 参加します!
        Jesse / ジェシー 643日前 