
Complete Guide to Getting Star Points in Clash Royale

Master Royale



One of the most well-known games created by Supercell is Clash Royale. It's a tower-rush game where players are matched up in 1v1 and 2v2 situations to take out most of the opposition's towers, with the King's Tower providing an immediate victory.


Star Points are a fantastic way for players to show off their skill level and time spent playing Clash Royale. This manual will explain Star Points, how to acquire them, and what you may do with them.

What Do Clash Royale's Star Points Mean?

One of the well-known battles royale games is Clash Royale. For several reasons, a Clash Royale player has to be invited to join your clan. To play Clash Royale with limitless Gold, gems, and other benefits, use Master Royale Infinity. It is the best private server for Clash Royale.

Players utilize Star Points with endless gems and Gold, an in-game currency, to raise the Star Levels of their cards. The Star Levels don't grant cards with increased combat power or any other advantages that can be useful in combat. Instead, it helps in the card's cosmetic enhancements, which enhance its appearance.

Once they reach King Level 6, players can begin collecting Star Points. With each Star Level being more distinct than the one before it, the cosmetic changes become more apparent.

Star Level 1:

The troop deploys with a golden animation, and a gold border surrounds its card.

Star Level 2:

With the addition of the unique motion and the appearance of gold accents on various body areas, cosmetic alterations are now more apparent.


Star Level 3:

The already noticeable golden accents from Level 2 become much more apparent, and often, a particular body or piece of armor for the unit turns completely gold.

Required Star Points for Each Star Level

Not all cards can be improved to the highest level of three stars (star levels), though. Some people attain their highest level at level 2, whereas others do so at level 1. To upgrade to various Star Levels at different card levels, a specified number of Star Points is needed.

Clash Royale: How to Earn Star Points

Here are a few strategies players can use to quickly collect enough Star Points for an upgrade because containing many Star Points is a moment procedure.

1. By Amassing Cards with the Highest Level

Players can continue to gather cards after reaching level 14 from chests, missions, trades, or if purchased from the shop. They are changed to Star Points because they can no longer be utilized to enhance the cards. The player will receive different Star Points depending on the card's rarity.

  • 1 Star Point for each Common Card.
  • 10 Star Points for 1 Rare Card.
  • 100 Star Points for 1 Epic Card
  • 1000 Star Points for 1 Legendary Card

2. By Upgrading Cards

One of the most famous ways to get Star Points is by upgrading one's cards, even less-used ones, if the players have enough extra Gold. At each level, different amounts of Star Points are awarded.


  • Level 1 to Level 2:4 Star Points
  • Level 2 to Level 3: 5 Star Points
  • Level 3 to Level 4: 6 Star Points
  • Level 4 to Level 5: 10 Star Points
  • Level 5 to Level 6: 25 Star Points
  • Level 6 to Level 7: 50 Star Points
  • Level 7 to Level 8: 100 Star Points
  • Level 8 to Level 9: 200 Star Points
  • Level 9 to Level 10: 400 Star Points
  • Level 10 to Level 11: 600 Star Points
  • Level 11 to Level 12: 800 Star Points
  • Level 12 to Level 13: 1600 Star Points
  • Level 13 to Level 14: 2000 Star Points

3. By Participating in Global Competitions

Global Tournaments are a fantastic method for players who perform well to earn vast sums of awards and currency. However, users must purchase a Battle Pass with actual money to participate in many international competitions. So, if gamers are willing to invest, they can also use this approach to get Star Points.

4. By Donating Cards

By donating cards, players can earn incentives like XP, Star Points, and Gold. The card's rarity determines the sum.

  • 1 Star Point for each Common Card.
  • 10 Star Points for 1 Rare Card.
  • 10 Star Points for 1 Epic Card

5. By Using Trade Tokens

The least expensive method of earning Star Points is by using trade tokens. They will spend more than if they purchased it directly from the retailer due to the number of points they will receive for the price over the year.

  • Non-Legendary Cards: Five Golds get you one Star Point
  • Legendary Cards: Twenty Golds for one Star Point

Final Words

It takes a lot of effort to accumulate Star Points for players to upgrade every card they own to its highest Star Level, which is especially true for F2P gamers. Therefore, it is advised to increase the Star Levels of the card's players use the most before gradually moving on to the relatively less used cards. 

The highest Star Level in Clash Royale is 3, which is also unavailable for every card. However, we expect more Star Levels to be added in upcoming releases.



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