
ヒプマイナゴヤ・ディビジョンBad Ass Templeヒプマイ8thライブ葉山翔太榊原優希竹内栄治初参加歓迎募集終了
【フラスタ企画】ナゴヤ・ディビジョンBad Ass Temple初単独ライブを祝してお花で名古屋の街を盛り上げませんか?

【フラスタ企画 Flower Proje



企画概要・Project Plan

ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle- 8th LIVE ≪CONNECT THE LINE≫ to Bad Ass Templeにて、ナゴヤのキャラクター、キャストさん、ゲストさん、スタッフさんの皆様への応援と感謝の気持ちを込めてライブ参戦や聖地巡礼などでお集まりするであろうBATの檀家さんと街を華やかに飾って盛り上げようと思います!

  • BAT発単独ライブの祝い花の製作
  • 祝い花を使ったフォトスポットの設置
  • (企画終了後)キャスト三名様へお送りする参加者からの祝い花のお写真を添えた寄せ書きの作成

We would like to celebrate Nagoya Division's first ever solo live Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle- 8th LIVE ≪CONNECT THE LINE≫ to Bad Ass Temple this November and show our love and support for the all of the characters, cast members, guest performers, and staff members by setting up a flower display dedicated to them in Nagoya City!

The main goals of this project are to:
  • Construct a flower display to celebrate BAT's first solo live
  • Create a photo op space for BAT fans
  • Collect personal messages from participants to send to the 3 cast members alongside photos of the flower display upon completion of the project.

企画実行の場所ついて・Event Location



Although flower displays such as the one proposed here are normally sent directly to the venue to be displayed on the day of the event, Hypmic lives have historically not allowed such gifts from the general public, and we expect the same of all of the upcoming Division Solo Lives (8th Live). Thus, the flowers from this project will instead be displayed at the storefront of the flower shop "Megumiko" in the Sakae district of Nagoya City.

Additionally, as a thank you those who come to see the flower display in person, there will be a dedicated photo op space with the flowers as a backdrop for BAT fans to gather and show their support. The specifics of this plan are still being discussed with the flower shop. We will announce further details as they are decided.

参加条件・Who Can Participate?

ナゴヤ・ディビジョンBAD ASS TEMPLEを応援する気持ちがあればご参加いただけます!


応募締切: 11月6日(日)23:59 参加受け付け終了済

支払締切: 11月8日(火)

Anyone who wishes to show their support of Nagoya Division BAD ASS TEMPLE may participate in this project! 
Participation does NOT require you to attend the live or be in Nagoya city during the time that the flowers will be displayed. We welcome and greatly appreciate any and all contributions from BAT fans around the world!

※However, we will unfortunately have to decline participation from anyone who is found to be violating Japanese copyright laws by publicly reposting seiyuu photos. The organizers also reserve the right to refuse or remove anyone from participating for any inappropriate conduct that is directly related to this project, at the organizers' discretion.

Participation Deadline: 11/6 (Sun) by 11:59pm (JST)  CLOSED

Payment deadline: 11/8 (Tues) by 11:59pm

お花のコンセプト・Flower Design

《2段デザイン: 豪華和風》での制作決定!


We've reached our stretch goal and will be able to go with the Double-tiered "Deluxe Traditional Japanese" Design!

Additionally, the more that participants continue to pitch in, the bigger and more elaborate we can make the final design.


お花屋さんについて・The Flower Shop


Twitter: @megumiko4187
Homepage: megumiko.com

The flower shop "Megumiko" in the Sakae district of Nagoya City has kindly agreed to construct and display the flowers for this project throughout the week of the live.

寄せ書きについて・Messages to the Cast


  • Memoreeel様の寄せ書きサービスを利用して製本を作成しキャスト様に送ります。
  • 参加者150名以上お集まりいただけた場合、Memoreeelの対応可能な投稿数を超えてしまうため参加を制限させていただく可能性もございます。



Given that the flowers from this project will not be sent directly to the live venue, the cast may not have an opportunity to see them in person. Because of this, we plan to compile and send a physical collection of flower photos and messages from our project participants. We will decide which message compilation service to use based on our final participant count.

  • We will be using Memoreeel to create a physical booklet to send to the cast.
  • If we have 150 or more participants, we will exceed the maximum number of messages that Memoreel can accept, so there is a possibility that we will have to place restrictions on message book participation.

Messages in either service can be written in either Japanese or English.

We will send each participant further details on how to participate in the message book once we have confirmed receipt of your payment.

参加方法・How to Participate

1口 1000円〜 お好きな金額でご参加いただけます

  • 本企画でご支援くださった参加者全員のお名前と出身国をフラスタと一緒に展示する名簿パネルに記載いたします。(任意ですので匿名でのご参加も可能です)
  • 特典として、参加金額の多い方の名前を優先的に名簿パネル上部に掲載します。(同じ金額の場合は先着順です)
  • また、ご支援して下さった方にはキャスト三名様宛て寄せ書きにもご参加いただけます。(万が一、寄せ書きメッセージ数を制限する場合は参加金額の多い方を優先いたします。)

  1. このページを全て参照する
  2. ページの下部にある「参加する」ボタンで参加表明をする(ログイン必須)
  3. 企画アカウント @BAT_NGYflowers をフォローする


  • 【銀行振込】ゆうちょ銀行、三菱東京UFJ銀行で対応しております。振込の際の手数料は参加者様の方でご負担をお願いします。
  • 【Passmarket】コンビニ決済やクレジットカードの使用が可能なサービスです。コンビニ決済はYahoo Japan IDでのログイン必須
  • 【PayPal】銀行口座を登録してネット・アプリで送金できるサービスです。(海外からの送金可)

Participants may choose to pitch in as much as they wish, starting at 1,000 JPY.
There is no upper limit to contribution amounts, but please stay within a budget that is reasonable for you. Of course, 1000JPY contributions are greatly appreciated as well. Please don't hesitate to participate, no matter how big or small your contribution!

Project Perks
  • ALL participants who pitch in 1000JPY or more will have their names listed with their home country (optional) on our participant name board, to be displayed alongside the flowers.
  • Participants will be listed on the name board in order of largest to smallest contribution. (If multiple people pitch in the same amount, those participants will be listed on a first-come-first-served basis, according to time of payment.)
  • ALL participants will also have the opportunity to write personal messages to be sent to the 3 cast members with photos of the display upon project completion. (In the event that we must limit the total number of messages, we will prioritize participants based on contribution amounts.)

To participate, you must:
  1. Agree to all of the terms listed on this page
  2. Press the blue, left-hand 【参加する】 button towards the bottom of the page
  3. Follow the project twitter account @BAT_NGYflowers

We will be in touch with you within 24 hours of receiving your intent to participate.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have not heard from us within 24 hours, if you are having trouble signing up, or have any questions or concerns regarding participation.

Payment Methods
  • Bank Transfer (we recommend either xoom.com or wise.com services)
  • PassMarket (available only to participants with a Japanese mobile phone number)
  • PayPal

※ We do ask that you cover your own processing and currency exchange fees when making your contributions, regardless of payment method. The organizers will be using the exact amount we receive in JPY to determine your eligibility for project perks.


キャンセルについて・Cancellation Policy



We cannot issue individual refunds under any circumstances once we have received your payment. If you wish to cancel or reduce your contribution amount, we ask that you do so before finalizing your payment.

In the event that the live itself is cancelled at least 10 days before the scheduled display date, we will issue full refunds to all participants. However, for reasons related to flower supply and availability, the flower shop will be unable to cancel our order within 10 days before the display date. In the event that the project cannot be cancelled, we will proceed with having the flowers displayed, the photo op space set up, and the photo album with participant messages created.

主催・Project Organizers



This project was launched and will be overseen as a joint effort between 湯花 "Yunohana" (@hotspr_ynhnand ゆーさん"Yuu-san" (@yuu_san52). Yunohana will be the primary contact for Japanese-speaking participants, and Yuu-san will be the primary contact for English speakers.

Please refrain from contacting the organizers individually. Please direct all questions/comments to the project account ONLY.


名古屋市中区栄 3-27-33 ロータリーマンション栄 1F

参加者 (92人)
興味あり (1人)

最新の20件を表示中 [すべて表示する]
  1. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    ✡ 𝖆𝖔𝖙𝖆 ✡⛩🐉11/26.27 899日前 
  2. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    iman 0.2 898日前 
  3. @BAT_NGYflowers 素敵な企画、誠にありがとうございます!参加させていただきます!
    郵尋 897日前 
  4. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    てんぬこ 894日前 
  5. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    とうご🟣固定拡散お願いします🙇‍♀️ 893日前 
  6. @BAT_NGYflowers 素敵な企画です!参加します!
    病み猫 893日前 
  7. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    あかむら@通販中 888日前 
  8. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    ドM番長@ウマ娘ベルーナ両日現地 880日前 
  9. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    ゆっけ@8thLIVE ハマありがとう 876日前 
  10. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    そら 876日前 
  11. @BAT_NGYflowers I'm excited!!
    Tamir 💜 866日前 
  12. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!遅ればせながら、参加したく思います。よろしくお願いします。
    ゆみのや@おげんこタイム 862日前 
  13. @BAT_NGYflowers素敵な企画を本当にありがとうございます🙇‍♂️
    とぅいーてぃ@11/27 ナゴ現地 848日前 
  14. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    元加まつる@いつハル モ58ab 845日前 
  15. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    まる 845日前 
  16. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    🍓 845日前 
  17. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    あたり 845日前 
  18. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!よろしくお願いいたします
    ブラックマターからころインフェルノ🐙 845日前 
  19. @BAT_NGYflowers ギリギリになってしまいましたが参加させて頂きます!
    ちさを 842日前 
  20. @BAT_NGYflowers 参加します!
    abechiyo 841日前 