
25時、ナイトコードで。アンソロジー【※非公式・同人】Nightcord at 25:00 Fan-made anthology

五月雨葉月@2/15 DAの休日【A11


・このアンソロジーは「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」二次創作に関するガイドライン及びピアプロキャラクター利用のガイドラインに従って発行いたします。参加の皆様も必ず熟読、遵守してください。

This anthology is published in accordance with the "Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku" (English title "HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE!") Secondary Creation Guideline and the "piapro" characters Guideline. Please be sure to read and follow them completely.
The host will apply for piapro link on behalf of the participant. ( I will assume that all participants have given their consent to apply on their behalf.)
This anthology is an unofficial fan-book. Please do not contact the official or any other related parties.

Overseas fans are welcome to join us!
If you can communicate in Japanese through the translation, it's no problem.
(Also, host is able to communicate in a little English ;))

2022年2月28日25時 参加締切予定
2022年3月25日25時 原稿締切予定
2022年4月4日25時 原稿締切

4月28-29日 ニコニコ超会議2022『THE VOC@LOiD 超M@STER48』
5月4日 SUPER COMIC CITY 29 day2『キミと彩るセカイ
5月8日 COMIC1☆20

Participation Close
April 4, 2022, 25:00 Deadline for manuscript submission
April-May 2022 To be published at collection of public holidays events


・B5 size, right binding
・For all ages ( Please do not include adult expressions)

・募集人数:合計 最大50名

Information on recruitment
Maximum applicants: 50
Type of entry: illustration / manga / novel


●初音ミク (ニーゴミクさんのみ)
●MEIKO (ニーゴMEIKOさんのみ)
●鏡音リン (ニーゴリンちゃんのみ)
●巡音ルカ (ニーゴルカさんのみ)


About the characters
In this book, you can only appear in this story the "Nightcord at 25:00" members and virtual singers from "Empty SEKAI".

Kanade Yoisaki
Mafuyu Asahina
Ena Shinonome
Mizuki Akiyama
Hatsune Miku (Empty SEKAI's Miku only)
MEIKO (Empty SEKAI's MEIKO only)
Kagamine Rin (Empty SEKAI's Rin only)
Megurine Luka (Empty SEKAI's Luka only)

There is not a need for all Nightcord at 25:00 members/virtual singers to appear in the stories you write. You can create a single character, two or more characters, or a coupling of characters as you wish.


Requirements for participation
Those who can create digital data
 (Even if you are using an analog environment, you can participate if you can scan, send, and adjust the size of the manuscript to create digital data by yourself.)
Those who can keep communication with us by e-mail or Twitter DM from the time of the participation announcement until the completed book is delivered.
You must be able to meet the deadline.
People who love HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE! and Nightcord at 25:00.


・解像度(カラー):B5原寸+塗り足し(天地左右3mm)=188×263mm。 350dpi CYMKカラーでレイヤーは全て統合してください。
・解像度(モノクロ):B5原寸+塗り足し(天地左右3mm)=188×263mm。 600dpi グレースケールでレイヤーは全て統合してください。



txtファイル もしくは docsファイル
・1p目は、タイトル(改行)空行(改行)本文 の順にご入力ください。

Manuscript Preparation
Due to the word limit of this site, please contact the host if you need an explanation in English.

・There is no participation fee, but there is no monetary reward either.
1-8 pages per person. (Any number of pages) OR 6000word.
・You can contribute as many articles as you like, as long as they are within the page limit!

(Recommended Illustration/Manga template: 188 x 263 mm)
If you are not sure how to set up your paper, you can use this template. Please make sure to draw all the way to the edge of the paper.
Click on the URL to go directly to the DL page.


Prohibited matters
Any depiction that contains adult elements.
Plagiarism, tracing, or unauthorized use of materials that are not copyright free, whether official or unofficial.
Tracing some or all of the original song/official music in order to express a part of the thumbnail/scene of the song, story, conversation, etc.
(You are welcome to draw the thumbnails/scenes of the songs, stories, conversations, etc.)
Any expressions that can be mistaken for official or other related places. Any other expressions that the host deems unsuitable for publishing.


I will be using the Discord server to contact and communicate with participants.
(If you are not using Discord, we will contact you via Twitter DM or email.)


The book to be given as a thank you for your participation
You can choose from the following options
・The book will be handed over at the host space at the event.
By letter pack ( Shipping cost will be paid by the host, only for destinations in Japan)
EMS ( Shipping cost will be paid by the host, only for destinations outside of Japan)


Dear everyone who is interested in participating
Thank you for your interest!
We hope you will join us.
Let's share our love for our favorite characters across borders!

五月雨葉月 さみだれはづき Samidare Haduki
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me!

不参加 (0人)

    最新の20件を表示中 [すべて表示する]
    1. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      かんぢぅ 1135日前 
    2. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      ききのき低浮上 1135日前 
    3. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      とり 1130日前 
    4. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します。宜しくお願い致します
      マナミ(原稿! 1129日前 
    5. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      花音 1126日前 
    6. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      しちゅーふらんす@原稿! 1126日前 
    7. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      ちーちゃん54🥭 1124日前 
    8. 参加しますよろしくお願いします🙇
      にん 1118日前 
    9. 参加します!
      雹狼@OU2【百合:お5】 1118日前 
    10. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      🧸 1111日前 
    11. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      猫田にゃふ@C102土曜日西い-02a 1099日前 
    12. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      NoNe 1089日前 
    13. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      鴒🐶@君めく第1巻配信中 1089日前 
    14. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      雪花👑 1089日前 
    15. 参加します!
      타와무레 1089日前 
    16. 参加します!
      ぱぴぱぴこ 1089日前 
    17. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      〆 1089日前 
    18. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      청회색 1087日前 
    19. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      キィマフエラ 1085日前 
    20. @Samidare_Haduki 参加します!
      ☁️Cloudy☁️ @ prsk rq 1084日前 