
Resize ImageWaifu UpscalerImage EnlargerAnime ResizerEnlarge Image
Use Waifu2x Instead of Word for Enlargement of an Image

Shira Smith


The only way to resize a smaller image into a larger, without highlighting poor image quality is to take a new photograph or re-scan your image at a higher resolution. 

You can increase the resolution of a digital image file, but you will lose image quality by doing so. To avoid such a quality loss, you can use a waifu x2 enlarger. It is an online and free software for enlargement. There are various online software as well as offline software such as MS Paint or MS Word. But, there is no surety about quality. 

Waifu x2 is the better software for the enlargement of any image, anime, or small-scale image. For more about waifu x2, scroll down and get complete information.

What are the most common reasons for Enlargement?


Resizing images without losing their original quality is also a great way to make a great first impression on visitors, who are most often fascinated by pictures above all else. 

Poorly resized images are obvious to the user, often looking as blurred distortions of the real thing. Another important reason behind the need to properly resize images is page speed. 

Enlarge Image using Waifu x2

As we discussed, many enlargers can blur your image and make the image fuzzy and inadequate. Waifu x2 is the quick image enlarger software. It converts your blurry and fuzzy image into a clear and sharp one. 

There is various image enlarger software present all over the internet. It may result in to increase in the size of an image. But, it blurs your image as well and loses transparency. 

Here are easy steps to enlarge the image with waifu x2. 

Upload an Image - 
For using Waifu x2, you just have to upload the image from your system library, and move forward to the select option.

Select Option - 
In the Select Option, you just have to choose the noise reduction and adjust the pixel depending on your image. 

Click on Convert now - 
After selecting the image, go towards the convert the image by resolving the captcha. Finally, click on the convert now button.

Download Waifu x2 Image - 
Now, get the enlarged image without losing pixel resolution. Download the image and make your work more efficient.  

Resize Image in MS Word

Using Microsoft Word, you can resize not only pictures, but also text boxes, WordArt, and boxes. If you want, you can also remove undesired portions of the picture by cropping them. Today, however, we will talk about how to resize a picture in Word.

Resizing a picture in Word is very easy. If you want to expand, shrink, or simply change the size of the picture, follow these steps -

  • 1. Click the picture, object, WordArt, or shape that you want to resize.

    2. Grab a sizing handle away from or toward the middle to increase or decrease the size of the picture. 3. At the same time, press and hold Ctrl to retain the center in the same place while you are moving the sizing handle.

    4. If you want to support the proportions, you can press and hold Shift while you are dragging the sizing handle away from or toward the center.

    5. If you want to keep the center in the same place and maintain proportions, you can press and hold both Ctrl and Shift while you are moving the sizing handle.

Last Note 

This article is used to clarify all about enlargement. If you want only to enlarge image ten you can use MS Word but you have enlarged the image clearly and sharply then you must go with Waifu x2. Read the whole article and know the working of waifu x2. Thank You.



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