
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy




A self-fulfilling prophecy, also known as the ‘Pygmalion effect’, is something that could have a huge bearing on your life.

man in white dress shirt kissing woman in red dress

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It goes like this:

What you believe to be true in your mind will tend to become true in real life. Whether or not they are good things or bad things, it really doesn’t matter. What you believe will almost always come true.

This is an excerpt from Paul Mckenna’s book ‘Change Your Life In 7 Days’,

“What we expect to be true in our minds will tend to become true in reality. Even if our expectations aren’t initially accurate, we act in ways that are consistent with our expectations. Those actions then create the results we expected, and the ‘prophecy’ of our expectations is fulfilled’

Powerful Stuff.

How This Relates to You

Now imagine what your expectations are with women. Most guys I meet who are struggling with women tend to have low expectations of themselves when it comes to attracting women.

Thoughts such as;

* I am not good enough to date hot women
* I am not funny enough to date hot women
* Why would a girl want to go out with me?
* I’m too old, too bald, not rich enough, etc.

Now think about what Paul McKenna said… about how what you expect in your minds to be true will tend to become true in reality.

Therefore, if you have negative thoughts going on in your head such as, ‘I am not good enough to date hot women’ then it will become true. You won’t be good enough to date these women because you don’t feel you are good enough. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

If you really don’t feel you can date hot women then you will act consistently with that belief and in the majority of cases you will prove yourself right. Meaning you won’t be dating hot women.

What to do?

You need to look at yourself in a different light. You need to imagine yourself dating some of the hottest, sexiest women and believe that you are good enough to date any woman you want.

You need to believe that you are funny enough, smart enough, cool enough, etc to date whomever you want.

Imagine what it would be like to date a really smoking hot woman. Imagine yourself there right now. How does it feel?

Once you realize you already are that cool, funny, awesome person, then women will be drawn to you. Why? Because you will be giving off the vibe that you are this awesome guy that they should be with.

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