
Curtain raise逢田梨香子逢田梨香子 1st LIVE TOUR
逢田梨香子さん1stライブツアーに向けて〜手書きメッセージアルバム動画企画〜/Handwritten Messages Video for Rikyako's 1st Live Tour



(Scroll down for English version)



此度は初の試みとして、【逢田梨香子 1st LIVE TOUR 2020~2021「Curtain raise」】に向けて、

2020年年始に発生した新型コロナが原因で延期となった1st LIVE TOUR (以下「1stライブ」)、その振替公演の詳細は先日発表されましたが、感染症対策のための収容人数半減、プレゼント・お花を送れないなど、様々な制限がかけられています。






10/20 ~ 11/20 (一ヶ月間):グーグルフォームにて手書きメッセージの写真を募集

動画を投稿する際はハッシュタグ #Curtainraiseや運営がライブを盛り上がるために指定したタグを付けますが、逢田さん(またはスタッフさん)を@メンションするかについてはまだ悩んでいます。めっちゃ悩んでいます。ぜひみなさんのご意見を聞かせてください。

















②本企画への参加表明 (本ツイプラで「参加する」ボタンを押した上で参加意思をコメントで表明)




[English Version]

Greetings, this is Ringozuki.

As mentioned on Twitter, this is a handwritten messages video project aiming to show love and support from fans to Rikyako who will hold her 1st LIVE TOUR in the coming December and February. I'd like to first express my gratitude to all of you who showed interest to my idea (https://twitter.com/R_g_jol/status/1318196466926583809) before I actually create this twipla project page. It really means a lot and gave me the confidence to turn my initial idea into a real project. 

As a foreign fan, I feel very regretful not being able to witness Rikyako's curtain raise in person--I originally planned to participate her 1st Tour this April, but now I'm not even sure when will everything resume as normal. Still there're things we can do--we might not be able to join the concert, but we can still express our support, especially at hard times like this, and this is the time when we make use of Internet and link up each other.

It'd be great if you, my fellow Rikyako fan, could participate by sending me the photo of your handwritten message for the video. It would be very helpful to let Rikyako know she has support from both local and foreign fans!

【Before joining the project】

1. Please carefully go through all the details before clicking the 'join' button.
2. By gathering and showing photos of handwritten messages from participants, the handwritten message video is going to showcase collected messages in slideshow style. The video will be uploaded to Twitter (and Youtube depending on the video length) and strangers may also view the video. If you do not wish your message being read by strangers, please refrain from joining this project.
3. There are a few restrictions/instructions on the handwritten messages in order to achieve the best effect.
4. Considering the length and quality of the video, participant number of this project is limited to 100. Please join ASAP in you're interested in the project.
5. Feel free to contact me for any enquires!

【Project flow (all in JST)】

Oct 20: begin accepting participant enrolment 
Nov 6: proposed deadline of participant enrolment
Oct 20 ~ Nov 20: accepting submission of photos of handwritten messages by uploading through google form
Nov 21: deadline of message submission; proceed to create video
Dec 12 (the day of Aichi session of 1st live): video upload onto Twitter (and Youtube)
*The above schedule is subject to change.

Hashtag #curtainraise and tags which are used by the official account of Rikako staff for the concert will be attached to the video when uploading to Twitter. And I'm actually still thinking about whether to mention Rikyako in the tweet or not (cause I don't want to be too pushy or awkward)...but you may let me know your opinion on this. 

【Video concept】

The video will be in slideshow style, so basically I'm planning to show 2~3 pieces of messages in 1 slide for around 8 seconds. BGM will also be included in the video.

And the video length--it really depends on how many participants we will have in this project. Twitter does not allow videos longer than 2:20, so in case the video ends up being lengthy, I'll split it into parts for uploading onto Twitter, then upload the full version onto YouTube. I shall get a rough idea how long the video would be after the deadline of enrolment, and will let you guys know the result by then.

【Instructions on the message and the upload】

Please include the below in your message:

1. Your message to Rikyako (can either be in English or Japanese)
2. Your name (it can be twitter name or anything else, and it's also okay not to write your name in case you'd like to keep it as a message from a secret fan)

You're free to write anything--your support to Rikyako and her 1st live, or just some simple cheering messages, but please keep it within 2~3 lines (It's actually quite hard to set a word limit though...just don't write a long letter and it should be okay). 

Please note that messages with defamation, impolite or inappropriate content as well as stuff that has nothing to do with this project SHALL NOT be entertained.

When you take a photo of your handwritten message, please make sure that

-the dimension of the photo is above 1000px,
-it is taken from the front,
-it is not blurry.

Good examples of photo (not the content!)


Bad example

To submit your photo, you'll receive the URL of the google form for uploading through twitter DM after you confirm your participation. A google account is required for the submission. Please let me know if you have enquiry or difficulties on the submission.

【How to join】

1. Follow me on twitter (@R_g_jol) (for contacting through direct messages)
2. Confirm your participation by pressing the blue 'join(参加する)' button and leave a comment at the below 

I'll contact you through DM after I'm informed of your participation. Please be reminded that the deadline of enrolment is Nov 6, so please join ASAP if you're interested.

*Please follow me (@R_g_jol) for contact purpose. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!



不参加 (0人)

    最新の20件を表示中 [すべて表示する]
    1. @R_g_jol 参加致します!
      あに丸(乗り鐵オタ鯨🐋) 1604日前 
    2. @R_g_jol 参加します!
      Panamaru 1604日前 
    3. @R_g_jol 参加します!
      takasaki kollins ||  1604日前 
    4. @R_g_jol 参加します!
      Mikio @ KFP Employee 1604日前 
    5. @R_g_jol 参加します!
      Redmoon AKA DJ Imout 1604日前 
    6. @R_g_jol 参加します!
      ジャンク 1603日前 
    7. @R_g_jol 参加します!
      🌸pris🌸| mahal ko si  1603日前 
    8. @R_g_jol 参加します!
      はまー 1603日前 
    9. @R_g_jol 興味あり!
      雨宮優子🌸@イベントは延期 1603日前 
    10. @R_g_jol 是非ともよろしくお願いします。
      あるてみす@虹色Passions!発売日 1603日前 
    11. @R_g_jol 参加します!
      黒鷺@⭐️🎹🎀🦊🐕🎺 1603日前 
    12. @R_g_jol i would love to join the project!
      aiR 1603日前 
    13. @R_g_jol ぜひ参加させていただけたら嬉しいです!よろしくお願いします🌸
      ルクス 1603日前 
    14. @R_g_jol 参加します!!
      だぁと@再転職start 1602日前 
    15. @R_g_jol 微力ながら参加させていただきます
      梅コンブ 1602日前 
    16. @R_g_jol 参加します!素敵な企画をありがとうございます!
      あらぎららら🌸 1602日前 
    17. @R_g_jol 参加します!企画楽しみにしてます
      みや 1600日前 
    18. @R_g_jol 参加します!
      Kotoko 🇩🇪🇯🇵 1599日前 
    19. @R_g_jol 楽しみにしてます!
      Umiboshi 1597日前 
    20. @R_g_jol 参加します!
      praz 1587日前 