Uy Atago
詳細 Greetings Hachioji Airsoft Games members,We proudly announce that we are going to rent the whole indoor field at Foxtrot from 9 to 4 on Sunday, December 15th.Unlike regular sessions that we usually participate in, chartered games have much room for us to make new game scenarios, wear special costumes, adjust fire power according to experience level and so.So, if you’re new to airsoft games but playing it with a large group of strangers looks intimidating, this coming event is for you!! We have been planning game scenarios that first comers can enjoy. If you don’t have airsoft guns yet, please send a PM to Yu or leave a comment below. There are a few extra guns available from the organizers. You can also rent it from the field.One of the organizer, Jun, made an infield video. Please watch it on YouTube if you want to get familiar with the field.Infield Video (by Jun) are looking forward to seeing you at the field!Date: Sunday, December 15thTime: 9am (8:30am at Hanno station) ~ 4pmPlace: Foxtrot (Hanno, Saitama) 4,000 ~ 4,500 Yen for entry, + if you need rental gun/gear (*You must wear a face mask while playing airsoft games)If you don’t have any airsoft gear, rentals are available at the field. Our organizer, Yu and Jun, also carries five extra guns available for our members so please leave a comment or send a message to Yu.BDUs Set (Gun, BDUs, Face Goggle, Gloves) : 2,500 YenGun Set (Gun, Face Goggle, Gloves): 2,000 YenFace Goggles: 500 YenBDU: (vest&pants): 1,000 YenBattery : 600 YenMagazine: 200 YenCap: 300 YenGloves: FreeFog Prevention: FreeRental to go: Please come to Hanno station by 8:30am. The field staff would run a shuttle van between the station and field (20min)If you live in or near Hachioji, Yu could give you a ride from Hachioji station. We appreciate if you can contact to him via PM as soon as you decide to join.<日本語案内>日時: 12月15日 日曜日時間: 9時〜16時 ※集合は8時30分場所: FOXTROT参加費: 4000円 ~4500円+ レンタル (ガン、マスク等がない場合) フィールドで借りることができます。詳しくはリンク先をご覧ください。エアガンをお持ちでない方はオーガナイザー2名が5丁まで貸し出せます。こちらは先着順になりますので必要な方はコメント欄にて連絡お願いします。待ち合わせ: 当日8時30分に西武池袋線 飯能駅北口に集合し、フィールドオーナー様の車でフィールドまでに移動します(約20分)車で直接来られる方は事前にYuにご連絡ください。その際はYuにコメントorメッセージをお願いします。皆さまの参加、お待ちしています。