詳細 To all Naobou Fans who are going to the Yokohama Live, this is an invitation for an after-live party among international fans. To socialize and discuss of Naobou's performance on that evening. 日本人の方も是非! The location is at Hard Rock Café , very close by the venue. (5min walk) Time: September 7th (Sat), 9pm to 11pm (Feel free to join even for short drinking session!) Limit: 20 people Deadline: August 26th 2019 (Reservation will be placed by phone) We will gather up at the entrance of the venue before we head altogether to the restaurant. Feel free to wait for us in front of the restaurant if you wish. 関連リンク 場所 ハードロックカフェ 横浜 道順を調べる 参加を締め切りました 参加者 (9人/定員20人) 興味あり (0人) 不参加 (0人)