2019929[日] 終日

どなたでも初参加歓迎KUSUSAPOThe LIFE
Let's make the "KUSUSAPO INVENTORIES" together! (for English Speakers)



To everyone in English-speaking KUSUSAPOs!

Since KUSSUN said "I want a list of KUSUSAPOs!" on the radio broadcast, we started a project to make KUSUSAPO INVENTORIES book!

It is not easy to make this project successful.
However, we want to fulfill KUSSUN's wishes.
In order to do so, we need your cooperation regardless of your nationality!

Please feel free to press the join button.
And let's start activities to please KUSSUN together!

More information is available at: https://kususapo-zukan.com/ (in Japanese.)

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- How to join the project for English speakers -

For this project, we are going to make a “KUSSUN inventories” for KUSSUN to read, so we must write it in Japanese.
For this reason, please write your profile in Japanese.
But we know that not all the people know Japanese.

So we have prepared several ways to participate in this project.
Choose the one that which is suitable for you!

1: You can use Japanese (with some confidence) and submit online : Click "HERE" to fill in the Google form in Japanese.
You need a Google account for submission.

2: You can use Japanese and want to make it handwritten : Get a blank profile "HERE" and fill out in Japanese.
Then scan or take the photo and email the soft copy to us.
We can help to print it out.

2': If you will come to japan and join KUSSUN’s event on or before September 29th (the daytime part of live tour in Tokyo), please contact us to get the blank profile form.

3: You CANNOT use Japanese : Please get the blank profile "HERE" and fill out in English.
Then scan or take the photo and email the soft copy to us.
We will do translation and print it out.
Finally, we'll combine your original one and translated one, and pass them to KUSSUN.

Send your filled profile to above E-mail address.
Please send us the soft copy by August 31st.
Please kindly contact us if you have any question or request if necessary.

- Personal Information Protection Notification -

1. We use all of your data only for this project.
2. We only keep the raw data and we will not make any copy.
3. When the project completed, we will delete all collected data.
4. Since the profile contains your personal information, we will hand the KUSUSAPO INVENTORIES book directly to KUSSUN's staff.


東京都渋谷区円山町2-3 TSUTAYA O-WEST

参加者 (1人)
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    不参加 (0人)
