2018年11月30日[金] C3AFA 2018: Ai Kayano Flowerstand!詳細 Hello~ As many of you know, Ms Ai Kayano will be making an appearance at C3AFA 2018. As such, a group of us from r/seiyuu have decided to send her a flowerstand to welcome her to Singapore! We would like to invite all Kayanon fans to participate in this endeavor of ours. Concept We would like to theme our flowerstand around the image uploaded to the Kayanomi Twitter account on Kayanon’s birthday. ![]() We have already contacted the florist as well as the artist that are going to be involved in this project. We will be designing the contributors’ board soon and will update this page when necessary! UPDATE 11/11/2018: We have already paid the first half of the deposit for the flowerstand! We will continue to update everyone~ UPDATE 22/11/2018: Flowerstand is fully paid! We will preview the flowerstand art and contributor’s board soon! Artist: @HJZ_artemi Contributor's board: ![]() Please check the board for any errors regarding your name. If I left out your name, DM me on discord or twitter asap! NOTE: while we have confirmed the flowerstand, the art may be subjected to change. We will update should the art change. Participation Method PARTICIPATION HAS ENDED THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED. MORE UPDATES IN THE FOLLOWING DAYS Please click participate in this event and leave a comment. Please feel free to share this page with everyone! I will DM you the payment details and reconfirm information through twitter later, I will also be asking for the name you would wish to put on the contributors’ board at this time. Participation fee: Minimum of SGD$10 or JPY¥1000 per person, without upper limit. Accepted methods: 1) Paypal (in SGD, for international participants) (CLOSED) 2) Bank Transfer/Paylah (for Singapore citizens only) 3) Pay directly at the event (in JPY/SGD) Participation Deadline Please do indicate your interest to participate by 18/11/2018 so that we have ample time to transfer the money to the florist. Contact Please do feel free to contact me either through twitter DMs (@otac0) or discord (0taco#8740) Yoroshiku~ 場所 Suntec convention centre 道順を調べる 参加者 (16人) 興味あり (0人) 不参加 (0人)