20181110[土] 23:00

【シンデレラ6th オフ会】The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 6th Live Metlife Day1 Off-kai



The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 6th Live Metlife dome Day1 Off-kai - Tabehodai (All you can eat&drink)
シンデレラ6th オフ会 食べ放題 飲み放題
デレ6th メットライフドームライブ Day1 オフ会行きませんか?

We would like to see how many people are interested in meeting some cool Ps and get drunk together.
All people all languages are welcome.

[11.5 Update]Updated restaurant address and party size
[11.6 Update]party size max back to 20!!
[11.9]Thank you for your interest in participating in this post concert off-kai.

Here is a few reminders!
First, Please prepare ¥3220 in cash for each person. (try to bring exact change since I don’t think if I am gonna have enough change😢)

Second, based on my previous exp., 80% of you are very likely to get stuck in Metlife Dome train station for 40+minutes after concert. Pease DM me in twitter if you think you are going to be late. (To use Direct message we have to be followed each other)
Or my line ID is [jenwick11] just in case.


Date: November 10th, 2018
Location: Torikizoku@Ikebukuro Sunshine street (right next to Animate Ikebukuro)
Address: Chome−20−6 Higashiikebukuro, Plazainn Ikebukuro 3/F, Tōkyō-to, Toshima-ku
Time: ~2300-0100 (2hours)
Fee: 2980yen plus tax
Party size: approx 20

日時: 11月10日夜11時から1時まで
場所: 池袋鳥貴族池袋サンシャイン通り店
   東京都豊島区東池袋1-20-6 プラザイン池袋3階
料金: 一人2980円税抜食べ放題飲み放題
人数: 〜20

P.S. People whose accommodations are not in ikebukuro, please check the schedule of your last train first


不参加 (0人)

    1. @0KenP 参加します!
      KCP 2316日前 
    2. @0KenP 参加します!
      Adam Choy 2316日前 
    3. @0KenP 参加します!
      Apoc@デレ7th大阪両日 2316日前 
    4. @0KenP 興味あり!
      Chun​@デレSF→ゆっきー誕生日イベ 2315日前 
    5. @0KenP 参加します!
      Rayvur♥️🌽😈 2313日前 
    6. @0KenP 興味あり!
      Franco (・∀・) @ ばなナイス 2312日前 
    7. @0KenP 参加します! Will bring my friend who is renban with me as well!
      Pudding 2311日前 
    8. @0KenP 参加します!よろしくね~
      とーい/tooichan 2311日前 
    9. @0KenP 参加します!
      Merliwolf @ Anime Ex 2311日前 
    10. @0KenP 参加します!
      パワー 2309日前 
    11. @0KenP 参加します!
      凪紗-P 2309日前 
    12. I updated the post, everyone please read the reminders!!!
      けいK 2307日前 
    13. @0KenP 参加します!
      Chun​@デレSF→ゆっきー誕生日イベ 2306日前 
    14. I did not expect this live ended this early
      けいK 2306日前 