2018113[土] 21:00

Anikura Midwest Project

kevo@ 🇯🇵 1/17-1/22



Hello! We are a few people in the Chicagoland area trying to get a regular anikura event going. We will use this event to gauge interest and see if we want to keep this going. Come join us Saturday night and jam out to banging anime music!

We will be in the Lombard Log Cabin. If you have trouble finding it, go to Glenn Westlake Middle School and there should be signage of how to get to the Log Cabin; it is directly south of the school parking lot.

Attendance is limited, please RSVP via this form: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/anikura-midwest-project-tickets-50464281023

This event is free, but of course the venue was not. If you enjoyed the event I will have a donation link available later.

No alcohol in the venue (rules, sorry)

Let's all make this a fun event!

Main & 16th Street, Lombard, IL 60148

興味あり (1人)
不参加 (0人)

    1. @kevo31415 興味あり!
      Sam/セビーチェ 2329日前 
    2. @kevo31415 参加します!
      Victor (ビクター) 🏍️ 2326日前 