OverviewEarphones (Takahashi Rie, Kouno Marika, Nagaku Yuki) will be participating in their first overseas performance at C3AFA18. As a fan who has supported them since Sore ga Seiyuu!, I would like to make them feel appreciated since it's their first time out of Japan.
Hence, I would like to invite all the Komaku-chans (Earphones fans) to participate in this project.
Timeline of Project2/12/18 - Project was a success! Uploaded final photos.
16/11/18 - Closed contribution, uploaded final card design
24/10/18 - Uploaded artwork, fabric photo
18/10/18 - Purchased fabric for flower stand
28/9/18 - Added contributor card design
19/9/18 - Added participation form, Japanese description
18/9/18 - Created event page
17/9/18 - Illustrator for flower stand confirmed
Flower stand image design

The concept of the design is based on their costumes for their
2nd album. After discussion with the florist, I will confirm the flower choices based on their image colour (Yellow, blue, pink)
Illustration Artwork
Contributors' card design
The card design is based on their image as pirates, so it will be in the form of a treasure map. All contributors will have their names printed on the card, as well as their country flags represented on the card.

Participation MethodPlease click participate in this event and leave a comment.
Please feel free to share this page with everyone!
I will PM you the payment details and reconfirm information through twitter later.
For participation amount and name to be published, please fill up this form.
Participation fee:
Minimum of SGD$10 or JPY¥1000 per person, without upper limit.
Accepted methods:
1) Paypal (in SGD)
2) Bank Transfer (for Singapore citizens only)
3) Pay directly at the event (in JPY/SGD)
Expenses OverviewTo be confirmedDeadline for Participation16/11/18 (To confirm this date after discussion with print shop and florist)
Ended. Thank you everyone for your participation!
ContactFeel free to to contact me via twitter @koemonogataris or Discord , #3891 MiyazonoLet us make this event a success!
Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre