2017630[金] 23:00

Anime Expo Anisong World Matsuri 6/30 meet-up!



(YOU WANNA SIGN UP? Please read & follow the instructions at the bottom of the English part. Also, please note that 興味あり is does not give you a RSVP, just "interested.")

[NEW 6/8: Venue detail, time, NEW PRICE, alcohol, payment info, checkin details...]

Hi this is omo, we are throwing a party after the Anisong World Matsuri at Anime Expo on June 30th. It's not a strictly IDOLM@STER event this time, so all are welcome to come. We want to meet with other eventers in person, veterans and newbies alike for this very special concert in the USA.

To celebrate, we will have some refreshment and music. We would also like this event to be friendly for oversea eventers if they want to join in on the fun. We will have music & DJ, and you are free to wota the night away.

An after-party for AWM 6/30. There will be light refreshment, cash bar, and music with DJ and space to wota. Please come and meet 2.5D idol fans and eventers across the continent and all over the world! 

[Where] - Please see Payment to checkin first.
The Novo, VIP Lounge
We will use the VIP elevator near the Grammy Museum on Figueroa. Please bring a photo ID that displays your age, and there will be a bag/security check. Before going there, however, please come check in (see Payment).

6/30 10:30pm to about 1:30am. This time may change if the concert is delayed.

$45 USD per person. This includes refreshment. You can come late or leave early, but the price is the same. There will be a cash bar available for alcohol drinks and some soft drinks. (I recommend eating before AWM and not come here completely hungry.)

RSVP is required, to do so you can use this Twipla or contact @omonomono. Please let me know if you need to cancel ahead of time. No-shows will cost me money. Again, advance reservation is required if you want to come. If you wish to cancel, please select the red button, and please do so as soon as you can so we can plan for the right head count. Let me know if you have any questions.

[Payment] NEW!!
Please pay ahead using PayPal or Venmo. The venue has rules about paid events, which means we need to collect your payment ahead of time, so we will do a check-in after AWM in case anyone needs to pay cash. After the concert, please gather by the Microsoft Square towards Smashburger. We will check you in and give you a sticker.

During check in, if you need to pay in cash, please provide $45 USD. It would help us a lot if you have exact change. We also accept 5000 JPY. When you send your payment online, please include your twitter handle that is used here, as well as anyone else you are paying for. You can find the payment info in the form here:

Sorry, no one under the age of 18 is allowed. 

Los Angeles is not a very dangerous city but there are certain parts of town you want to avoid walking through, so please take care when you leave the party.

ALSO! Please make sure you allow direct messages from @omonomono if you want to receive updates on information that gets posted on the Twipla. If you want to RSVP and do not use twitter, you can email me at rotinoma@gmail.com

For non-Japanese speakers, first please authenticate Twipla with Twitter. Then click the blue button (参加する) if you're sure you want to participate, the yellow button (興味あり) if you're interested but undecided, and red if you cannot go.



630日、アニメエキスポで行われるAnisong World Matsuri ~Japan Kawaii Live~ の後でオフ会を開きます。今回の国際オフ会はアイマスファンのために開催するものではなく、どなたでもご参加いただけます。我々はこの素晴らしいライブをきっかけに、ベテラン、新人を問わず、色んなイベンターと交流できる場所を作りたいと思います。北米のアイドルファンやイベンターを知りたい、という国外から遠征しにいらっしゃる方も是非ご参加ください。



2017630 22:30 - 201771 1:30







The Novo, VIP Lounge


Figueroa StreetにあるGrammy Museumの近くのVIPエレベーターを使いご入場ください。



更新:オフ会に入場する前に、Microsoft Theaterの入口正面の広場でオフ会主催側のスタッフを探してチェックインを行ってください。詳細は支払い方法をご参考ください。


お一人$45 USDになります。








PayPalVenmoのアカウントをお持ちの方はそちらでお支払いください。そして入場する前に、Microsoft Theaterの入口正面の広場でオフ会のスタッフを探してチェックインを行ってください。スタッフもJapan Kawaii Live終了後広場に向かいます。チェックインが完了次第、入場用のステッカーをお渡しします。

当日現金でのお支払いが希望される方はチェックインの時支払いを行ってください。お釣りの用意が難しいので、できれば小銭をご用意をお願いいたします。日本円だと5000 JPYになります。








the novo los angeles

参加者 (170人/定員170人)

最新の20件を表示中 [すべて表示する]
  1. @omonomono 参加します!よろしくお願いします
    zalas(car.ess | AniC 2829日前 
  2. @omonomono 参加します!
    James ✈️Tokyo 12/20  2829日前 
  3. @omonomono 参加します!
    GerorumiP 2827日前 
  4. @omonomono 参加します!
    Quantum 2827日前 
  5. @omonomono See you there buddy!
    ゆみながあきら 2826日前 
  6. @omonomono 参加します!
    C23 2826日前 
  7. @omonomono 参加します!
    Junda Chen 2825日前 
  8. @omonomono 参加します!
    アキラP 2822日前 
  9. @omonomono 参加します!
    蒼天 2822日前 
  10. @omonomono 参加します!
    蒼天 2822日前 
  11. @omonomono 参加します!
    a tiny toaster hat 2822日前 
  12. @omonomono 興味あり!
    FujiwaraP@AX 2017 2822日前 
  13. @omonomono 参加します!
    paradoxicalrabbit 2822日前 
  14. @omonomono 参加します!
    BlazingSky 2821日前 
  15. @omonomono 参加します!
    Minh Nguyen 2820日前 
  16. @omonomono 興味あり!
    一輪@🚔🚔🚔 2818日前 
  17. @omonomono 興味あり!
    Masa 2817日前 
  18. @omonomono 参加します!
    RuruP@AX2017 2814日前 
  19. @omonomono can't wait to see everyone
    HolyKnightAD@安野希世乃AN 2814日前 
  20. @omonomono 興味あり!
    Zhoul @ 12回目の旅行 - FA 2813日前 