
[Flowerstand] THE iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls 4th Live SSA - Tachibana Arisu, Satou Amina



10/10 update
I paid the flowershop and delivered the boards. 
The flowerstand will be delivered the 15th october

09/29 update
Closing the twipla. Thank you very much everyone!
Drawing is finished! you will see the result during the event. 

09/22 update
I've been silent for a long moment because I wasn't sure everything was ok with the flowershop. I went to the shop itself last month and talked with the owner. I was waiting for an email but it only came few days ago. Only the payment is missing now. 
Also in case you didn't know. The 16th october is Satou Amina's birthday. I will probably put a message on the placard about this.

Hello! Since we pretty much know all the details about the 4th live of Cinderella Girls it's time to talk about that flowerstand.

This flower stand is for our cool idol Tachibana Arisu and her voice actor Satou Amina! Place: Saitama Super Arena (15/16 October 2016)

The size of the flowerstand will depend on how many persons are interested to participate on it. If few people are interested, it will be a basic one. If we're enough we can have a more fancy one.
If you want a rough idea, a basic flowerstand cost around 30kjpy.
Here what we can do depending on how much money we have:
- Basic, some flower, the drawing and the names of the participants
- Flowers on board with the form of a strawberry, drawing and names
- Flowers with the shape of a strawberry, drawing and names
Of course if you have any other idea let me hear it!
After talking to the owner, I decided to let them design the flowerstand. It will be simple with Blue and violet flowers

If you have any questions, follow me on Twitter (@Orphi) and mention me about the flowerstand. I will follow you back and we will talk via private message.

As for the illustrator, we already have one which is Saiseki(@saiseki)! (pixiv)
The drawing will have both Arisu and Amina in Arisu's Project Krone outfit. Like the flowers, if you have any other idea let me hear it.
Here's a preview of the art

I will set the deadline the 4 July 2016.
After that date I will contact all the participant and use a google form to get the informations needed. 
New deadline fixed to 28 September 

Payment method is paypal. Minimum participation is 1000jpy.
You will have your name and the flag of your country as well on the placard

参加する = Participating
興味あり = Interested
不参加 = Non-participant

興味あり (1人)
不参加 (1人)

  1. @Orphi 参加します!
    アンノウP⌚️ 3208日前 
  2. @Orphi 参加します!Thank you!
    EdgRockP@0/7-全滅 3094日前 
  3. @Orphi 参加します!
    JL Lee 3093日前 
  4. 参加します!
    Rayvur♥️🌽😈 3087日前 