2016528[土] 21:00

ハニー、カナダなの!アッキーとあさぽんファンオフ会~【Anime North 2016】




5月3日更新 定員に達しました!



5/17 UPDATE - Last day to cancel changed to 5/22. Capacity increased.

Hello everyone! With Anime North just around the corner I'd like to send a reminder to update your status on the twipla page for the AN off-kai if your situation has changed. We're expecting a full house and will be trying to accommodate as many as we can. In addition the cancellation date without a possible penalty fee has moved to 5/22 so please do so on the twipla page before then if necessary. Otherwise I hope to see you all soon! o/

5/3 UPDATE - Full capacity reached!!

Wow! It wasn't expected that we'd reach our full capacity this soon. Since there may still be people who wish to attend,

1. if you still wish to attend, please add yourself to the "interested" column and check back. There may be additional space added and some people may decide to not go.

2. if you have RSVP but are not 100% guaranteed to go, please decide soon so others can secure a spot if they know they want to go, in case you decide to not go.

Thank you.


5/28(土) 21時~25時

Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel
901 Dixon Rd, Toronto, ON M9W 1J5, Canada


$30CAD (3000円)


5月23日 23時59分59秒まで




Hello! Exciel here announcing that we'll be doing an off-kai for Anime North again this year for fans of Akky and Asapon. If you're a fan of them or im@s P, feel free to join us for lots of fun food and activities!

5/28 9pm~1am

Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel
901 Dixon Rd, Toronto, ON M9W 1J5, Canada


※RSVP required (see below)
※Payment at door ok(CAD, USD, JPY)

Prepayment will be available at a later date.

If you must cancel your reservation, it has to be before 5/22 otherwise there may be a fee.

86 max
※Order of arrival

Food and drinks, cultural exchange, P card exchange, etc.

Food (appetizers) and drinks are included but there will be a seperate cash bar for alcohol
Please note any allergies to @omonomono
No last minute cancels, if you wish to cancel a reservation do it via the Twipla function below before 5/22
There is hotel parking but it has fee
Arriving late or leaving early is ok

※If you don't have a Twitter account and can't use Twipla then please contact me via exciel805@gmail.com. You should make one though!

※If this is your first time using Twipla please refer to this guide
参加する = Participating
興味あり = Interested
不参加 = Non-participant

Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel

参加者 (86人/定員86人)

最新の20件を表示中 [すべて表示する]
  1. @exciel_co_log 不参加です。
    karagea 3218日前 
  2. @exciel_co_log 参加します!
    HolyKnightAD@安野希世乃AN 3218日前 
  3. @exciel_co_log 参加します!
    feathP@AnimeNorth'17 3218日前 
  4. @exciel_co_log \o/
    FrostyP@アイドル Expo 3218日前 
  5. @exciel_co_log 参加します! Let's do the thing again.
    TDub 3218日前 
  6. @exciel_co_log 参加します!
    マルチトリップ 3218日前 
  7. @exciel_co_log 参加します!
    Knightdood@AX2018 3218日前 
  8. @exciel_co_log 参加します!count me in!
    アーウィン (Evc_09) 3218日前 
  9. @exciel_co_log 今年も日本より参加させて頂きM@S!! プレゼント用グッズ(アッキー中心)も沢山持ってきますよっ!のヮの
    でざいやP 3218日前 
  10. @exciel_co_log 参加します!
    いちP 3218日前 
  11. @exciel_co_log 参加します!
    Aki東😈 3217日前 
  12. @exciel_co_log 興味あり!
    Zamir P 3204日前 
  13. @exciel_co_log 不参加です。
    マッチャ@🚫🏠🐯 3202日前 
  14. @exciel_co_log 定員を増やしてくれて本当にありがとうございました!! とてもうれしいー ヽ(^o^)丿
    jyoukazu@来日まであと15日 3202日前 
  15. @exciel_co_log 参加します!
    Mahaunto @ EGLX 3202日前 
  16. @exciel_co_log 参加します!
    archelon 3202日前 
  17. @exciel_co_log 参加します!
    こっつん@長 3201日前 
  18. @exciel_co_log 気付いた時には締め切られてしまっていたので空きが出来たらお願いしたいです
    救急車 3198日前 
  19. @exciel_co_log 締め切られました後知りました・・・興味あり!
    uru☆スタンプ販売中 3198日前 
  20. @exciel_co_log 参加します!
    Zamir P 3197日前 