詳細 和物ハンドメイド講座。第1回目はバスボム(=入浴剤)作りです。
なぜバスボムがなのに和物か?って当然の疑問をお持ちのみなさん。 9月9日「重陽の節句」を意識して菊のバスボムも作るのもお洒落だし 色、香、型、すべてに意味があるし意味をこめられます。 なお、LUSH型の大きなバスボムはその日のうちにお持ち帰りになれますが こちらの講座では英語のできるスタッフがアシストでつきます。(17時~) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Let's make bath bombs and talk in Japanese! We basically talk in Japanese, but English assistance is available if you would like to. Date: 10/4(Sun) Venue: Kakurega, Hiyoshi in Yokohama city Please refer to HP for the map. Please go forward into an alley which is just next to SMBC ATM, and the venue is 2F of Taisyo-ken, noodle shop. If you have hard time to find it, please call at 045-565-9779 after 5:00 pm. We use a mold for Japanese sweets, food coloring agent, and aroma oils when we make a bath bomb. For example, you can use cat mold if you liked cats. You can use chrysanthemum (kiku) mold if you like flowers. You can even put your wishes to bath bomb by colors, fragrances, and shapes. For example, it would be nice to present for your grand parents chrysanthemum-shaped bath bombs in honor of Chrysanthemum Festival. The Chrysanthemum Festival, Choyo no Sekku is held on the 9 day of the 9 lunar month in Japan. We celebrate and wish a long life in this event, and chrysanthemum symbolizes longevity in Japan. Please feel free to contact if you have a question. Thanks! 場所 日吉本町1-1-9 大勝軒2階 道順を調べる 参加者 (1人/定員10人) 興味あり (0人) 不参加 (0人)