2010109[土] 12:30

JFS internship students organize the solar power BBQparty coming up in Oct. 9th in Tamagawa.

Mari Igarashi



 This event will be collaborating with "10/10/10 Global Work Party" initiated by 350org. 


Here information about this event..


Time Saturday, October 9, 2010 at 12:15pm - 16:00pm


Location, Nearby Tamagawa's dry riverbed
Meet at 12:15pm in front of Mos Burger, West gate of
Izumitamagawa Station, Odakyu Line(http://edoya.client.jp/bbqmap-special.htm)

* Please take a local train of Odakyu Line, otherwise train does not stop at this station.
OrganizedBy, Mari Igarashi and Mashima Hazuki, JFS intern students


Cost, about 1500 yen


Need to bring,
1.Your chopsticks or fork
2.Your cup
3.Your plate
4.Your towel to wipe your plate
(You must bring 1~4!)
5.A cushion to sit down
6.A plastic sheet
(Please bring them if you have.)
We prepare some alcohol drinks but, you can bring them if you want:)


How to join,
Register from this page: http://www.japanfs.org/meibo/meibo.cgi?mode=entry
Or Send a E-mail : saigusa@japanfs.org (Nubuko Saigusa:JFS)


More Info,
JFS-Youth included intern students is a team of youth founded in 2006 under Japan for Sustainability, a Japanese environmental NGO.
Our mission is to disseminate information about youth environment
activities in Japan. We hold conferences with overseas universities, and
plan and run seminars for enhancing global understanding skills and
English skills such as conversation, translation, presentation, and
facilitation. We aim at realizing interactive communication that
energizes youth in Japan and around the world.


Last year(2009), we produced these events...
http://www.japanfs.org/ja/aboutus/event/pages/029524.html(Japanese only)


JFS web site

和泉多摩川 Nearby Tamagawa's dry riverbed

参加者 (1人/定員40人)
興味あり (0人)
    不参加 (0人)
