
The Unofficial #mikuexpo Glow Stick Sharing Campaign!

zalas(car.ess | AniC


Hey everyone, red shirt guy zalas here!  I'm a veteran of many Miku concerts and have made an effort to attend all of the overseas (outside of Japan) concerts so far, starting with Mikunopolis.  With MIKU EXPO fast approaching, I'd like to ask all you hardcore fans two favors:

1. Please bring a full set (green, yellow, (orange), pink, red, blue) of chemical glow sticks (electronic ones are not allowed) with you to the concert to cheer on Miku and her friends! Yes, you get a free green one with the ticket, but using just that would make Rin, Len, Luka, MEIKO and KAITO sad :(

2. Please bring an extra set of glow sticks and share them with someone next to you at the concert, in case they forgot or weren't able to bring a full set.  It's a great way to make new friends!

Of course, I've ordered a box or two of glow sticks to pass out as well, but obviously it won't be enough and I'd go bankrupt if I tried to buy enough for everyone ^^;  Please help do your part and make these concerts the best Miku concerts yet!

I've also started working on a guide with various information such as glow stick colors and how to cheer for specific songs, so for more information, please check out the Unofficial VOCALOID Cheering Guide.

Okay, so this technically is a Japanese website for event planning, but please treat it as a pledge form instead.  If you are using Twitter, please click the blue 参加する button if you want to add your name to the pledge list.  We won't hunt you down if you pledged here and then forgot to bring glow sticks.



Los Angeles, New York

興味あり (1人)
不参加 (0人)

    1. @hightrancesea 参加します!どれくらい入るか・・・Tシャツがw
      なおっさん 3794日前 
    2. @hightrancesea 参加します!とりあえず、10セットは持っていきます!なんとなく、グリーンは入場でみんな持っていると思うので、他の色を多く持ってった方がいいかもしれませんね。
      キュアニート 𝕏 3794日前 
    3. @hightrancesea 参加します!
      Pengy 3794日前 
    4. @hightrancesea 多少は予備を持っていきますが、隣の人にどう言って渡せば良いものやら?(笑)語学力の壁が...
      MMR 3794日前 
    5. @hightrancesea 参加します!既に買ってあります。50本程ですが
      アイスブリッツ@札幌…そして初音電撃作戦 3794日前 
    6. @hightrancesea 参加します!荷物が多いのでセット少ないですが持っていきます!
      ともも 3794日前 
    7. @hightrancesea 参加します!
      あれく 3794日前 
    8. 両サイド2公演 4セット持ち込みます。@hightrancesea 参加します!
      いなっくすSP 3794日前 
    9. @hightrancesea 参加します!
      jyoukazu@来日まであと15日 3793日前 
    10. @hightrancesea 参加します!
      Dropkick 3793日前 
    11. @hightrancesea 参加します!
      Dracil 3793日前 
    12. @hightrancesea たぶん12本ずつ持って行きます
      けーの 3792日前 
    13. @hightrancesea 参加します!用意できるだけ持って行きます!コレって税関申告書には申告した方がいいんですかね?
      SANTA 3792日前 
    14. @hightrancesea 参加します!
      Misuzu 3791日前 