2014年9月27日[土] 16:00 Quality Crew Karaoke 270914詳細 Hello, welcome to Twipla, a cool RSVP site and all. I'm leaving for Japan tuesday next week, and we Haven't done this in a while, So Let's Karaoke before Kurotsuki departs for Japan...for a week. \o/Karaoke: PangPang Karaoke HOW TO RSVP Login to Twitter by clicking: Twitterにログイン Click the colored buttons below after logging in: 参加者 = Participate 興味あり = Interested 不参加 = Not Participating 場所 1226 Rue Mackay, Montréal, H3G 2H4 道順を調べる 興味あり (3人) 不参加 (1人)