Leave theexcitementofliveafter, inbetween fansofPerfumegathered fromacross the country drinkthedelicioussake, let's talkwhile eatingdeliciousfood! Some peoplewelcome"Why, worry...somethingfor the first timeImeet-up" What! Veteranbeginnerdoes not have anyfans! Rathergood to be trueusuallydark Suppose you'realonelythink! We look forward to!
注意:誠に申し訳ございませんが、アルコールの席である点と、時間帯が遅いことを考慮し、 未成年の方の参加はご遠慮くださいますようお願い致します。 Note: I am sorry, but, in consideration of the pointis shopto issuealcohol, that the timezone islate, I askthat you pleaserefrain from theparticipationofminors.
Venue:HakataHudo Address:Fukuoka, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City Hakataekihigashi2-4-17sixthOkabeBuilding1F TEL :092-472-0210 web: http://www.hakata-food.jp/top Dates:22:00 to24:00August 9(I may change due totimeoflivecurtain) membership fee:4,000 yen (All-you-can-drink 2 hours) Capacity:40 people Call for Participationdeadline:21:00August 7 ※Please do notcancelafter the deadlineit will beinconveniencetoother participants
主催者 Organizer:YOU〈香友 kouyuu〉(@kou_you 御参加の方はDMにて連絡などを差し上げる場合が ございますので、当アカウントのフォローをお願い致します Those whoparticipate haveit when I giveandcontact me bydirect messages Because there, please give me afollow-upof thisaccount) サポート Support:やす yasu(@ykit)、イサク isaku(@isaq25) 尚、マリンメッセよりオフ会会場まではバスなどでの移動が必要となります。 ライブ終了後は一旦マリンメッセ周辺にて集合した後に 全員での移動を予定しております。
It should be noted that, to offvenuewillmoveofa busis requiredfrom Marine Messe. TheafterassembledatMarineMessearoundonceafter the live I am planningto relocate withineveryone.
Accessto theMarine Messe: http://www.marinemesse.or.jp/mbesse/access/ time required toHakata Station (by bus): about15 minutes the time requiredtoHakataclimatethanHakata (by walk): about10minutes
博多駅前バス停からオフ会会場までのルート Route to thevenueofffromHakata Stationbus stop